5 useful ideas for the workshop and tricks for life

When working in a workshop or around the house, you constantly have to deal with various small problems, to solve which you need to go to the store and buy various little things. To save our time, we figure out how we can do without special devices, using what we have. We offer a selection of 5 such solutions that fully replace purchased specialized products.

1. Clamping handle with lead bolt

If you want a clamping handle that you can turn by hand without a wrench, then you can quickly make one at home. To do this, a ring 15-12 mm wide is cut from a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. You can use a different tube if you need a larger or smaller handle.

We place the ring on a metal sheet and put lead in it. After that, heat it with a burner. When the lead melts, dip the bolt head down into the liquid metal. It is important that the base under the ring is horizontal, and that the bolt is strictly vertical for a minute while the lead hardens.

When the metal becomes hard again, pour water on it and knock out the handle.All that remains is to slightly modify the workpiece on sandpaper to remove the sagging.

2. Powerful bolt anchor

If you need to install an anchor in a concrete base, but only have a bolt, this is not a problem. We cut off the head of the bolt and saw along the remaining threaded rod. The cutting depth is 20-30 mm.

Then we cut out a small wedge from the cut off head.

We drive the wedge into the cut of the rod and place it in the hole in the concrete. Then hammer it in with a hammer. The wedge will open the rod, and it will not come back out.

3. How to lengthen a short cardboard box

If you need to fit something long into a short cardboard box, then you can make it longer. To do this, you need to cut its narrow side flaps in half. The same is done on the reverse side.

Now you can press the box diagonally, moving the halves of the sides towards the long sides. This makes it longer. All that remains is to secure the valves with tape, and the specified shape of the box will remain.

4. SVP made of nylon ties

For this homemade product you need to separate the rod from the blind rivet.

Then you need to drill a nylon tie under it right next to the lock. The lock itself is then cut off.

We insert the rod into the screed tape, and the device is ready. If you need to align 2 tiles or other sheet material into one level, simply place a screed between them with a rod from the wrong side. Then we string the lock. He will press the tiles from above, thereby removing the step.

5. Drilling with a nail

If you need to drill into wood or other soft material, but don’t have a thin drill, just select a nail of the required diameter. It can be clamped into the drill chuck and used to drill what is needed.

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