Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 356

Master classes:


Of course, this is not a simple headboard, but something useful and creative. And why only for the bed? This idea can find other uses in the interior, everything is limited only by your imagination.


An electric swing is a good gift for a child, and if well assembled, you can develop the idea into, for example, an office souvenir. The basis of the toy is a simple mounted circuit (although of course it’s better to do it on a board), consisting of a transistor,

A simple recipe for cooking veal

A fairly simple recipe for cooking veal will please even the most capricious gourmets.

Making a mini moonshine still

The abundance of alcoholic beverages on the shelves of our stores, however, does not affect the reduction in the cost of these products. And a simple esthete cannot afford store-bought products. A simple design of a mini-plant for the production of homemade goods is proposed.

Amulet doll “Share”

The “share” is made and given to both married and unmarried girls and women.It has long been believed that this amulet doll helps the female sex to arrange or improve their destiny. An integral advantage of this amulet is that a share can be

Yin-Yang Salad

At first glance, it may seem that preparing this salad is very difficult, but in fact it will take about 20 minutes. So, to prepare the Yin-Yang salad you will need 500 grams of peeled squid, 150 grams of hard cheese, 2

Violets on the windowsill

Flowers are a great gift. But it’s not always possible, and indeed the desire, to buy real flowers, because they dry out so quickly, but a gift made with your own hands will warm your heart for a long time. Today we will do something big together

We make heated floors

The question of heated floors always arises when the main heating system cannot cope with heating the room. You have insulated a balcony, added a bathroom to the main building, or insulated a veranda or hallway in a private house. AND

Soft toy

Probably, each of us, when choosing a gift, had the thought, what if this time we do something with our own hands? After all, such gifts are especially pleasant because they are made with soul.

Money Tree

The idea to make a money tree came to me by accident. For a long time I couldn’t decide what gift to give my husband for his birthday. Maybe it’s trivial, but a handmade gift was preferable, and besides, the money tree promises unheard of

Mechanical water leakage prevention system

Many people are familiar with the problem of water leaks in apartments, due to a damaged faucet or a burst hose. To prevent such a misfortune from happening, or rather, to prevent it, I propose to make a homemade product from common parts and

Knitted cactus

The crochet hook was invented by a genius - no less! With the help of this simple tool you can literally make anything, not even counting items of clothing, bedspreads, napkins and other similar things for comfort. For a magical transformation

Paper ball

This design is assembled from ordinary office paper, without glue, and consists of 30 modules. The ball can be disassembled if necessary and then reassembled. We will need: - office paper of any desired color, even white; - scissors; -

New Year's costume for a child

On the eve of New Year's holidays and matinees, every mother strives to dress her child appropriately. Unfortunately, not every family can afford to buy a ready-made carnival costume today. But anyone can sew it themselves

Organza flower bow

A simple and elegant hair accessory in the shape of a flower can be made from leftover organza. To create an accessory you will need the following materials and tools: organza, a narrow organza ribbon (one meter is enough), a sewing stone in

Table for breakfast in bed or for a laptop

The breakfast table in bed is quite easy to do and does not require any special skills. Anyone can make it.To make such a table you will need any painting measuring 50 by 70 centimeters (ready, but if you have

Let's update the lamp with a new lampshade

Often in our apartments we collect things that seem to be in perfect working order, but, nevertheless, we do not use them. Sometimes they don’t fit with a new renovation, family members don’t like them, or they’re simply out of fashion. But they are dear to us, and it’s a pity

Beaded cherries

Everyone loves to receive gifts. At the market you can choose whatever your heart desires, but you won’t find such a gift anywhere. It’s not at all difficult to make such a souvenir, a little patience and effort - and you’re done!


You can make a craft that would bring joy from household items and objects. The result will be stunning. An unusual homemade toy can amuse a group on a holiday, keep a child busy, or arrange a competition. We will make a folk toy

How to make your own aphrodisiac perfume

Several years ago, a group of scientists won the Nobel Prize for scientifically proving that 90% of the information that influences our senses comes from our sense of smell. As it turned out, a person loves or, on the contrary, does not tolerate someone


This snowflake is much more beautiful than an ordinary one, cut simply from a piece of paper, but it is also much more difficult to make. From the very beginning, I wanted to call my story not just a snowflake, but a snowflake from Oksana. The fact is that this method of making snowflakes

Magnet amulet in the form of a folk Slavic feeding doll

My friend collects refrigerator magnets.So I decided to give her a magnet-amulet in the form of a folk Slavic feeding doll. It was possible to make another type of Slavic doll, but I really liked the connection between the words “feed” and

How to make a 220-volt lantern (spotlight) for the household from a car headlight

When the idea came to use a car headlight as street lighting, the question immediately arose about the power supply for such lighting...

Mineral bath bomb

What could be more pleasant than soaking in a hot bath after a hard, exhausting day. Especially if you add foam, special sea salt, and essential oils to it. Many people also use mineral bath bombs, which not only