Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 28

Master classes:

How to clean old frying pans from old carbon deposits using cheap products and make them non-stick

Over time, such a layer of soot accumulates on the frying pans that it is not visible at all. It is almost impossible to wash it with a regular detergent and a scraper. However, there is an easy way to clean a frying pan from many years of soot with almost no

How to make a very unusual and original night light - definitely no one has this

A beautiful night light as a holiday gift, can be purchased in the store. This thing is not particularly expensive and consumes little electricity. Also, if this gift was intended for a child, then it will also help get rid of night fears. In general, alone

Reliable DIY repair of plastic cracks

Products and plastics are susceptible to cracks under mechanical stress. Repairing them with glue gives unreliable results, so it is better to repair cracks by soldering. If this is done using the method proposed below, then the restored part will be reused as before.

How to modify a hinge into an invisible gravity door closer

A high-quality door closer not only ensures ease of handling the door, but also helps reduce wear on hinges and other door fittings. The price of modern door closers is quite impressive, so making it yourself, or adapting

How to make a powerful low-voltage engine from a car generator

At its core, a car generator is practically no different from a three-phase asynchronous electric motor, with the exception that the generator does not use a squirrel-cage rotor, but with an excitation winding. Convert such a generator into

How to make a simple self-closing latch for utility room doors or gates

You don’t have to spend money on buying latches for utility room doors at home or at your summer cottage. They are easy to make with your own hands from waste metal, and this does not require special knowledge and skills.

How to make a “third hand” for installation and welding work from scrap materials

Rarely does the welding process take place under ideal conditions - often something interferes: objects or parts located nearby, tight spaces, insufficient lighting, difficulties in securing the parts being welded, etc. In this case, some kind of

How to make a device for turning large cylindrical and conical workpieces on a circular saw

Typically, round and conical rods are turned on expensive lathes. But not everyone can afford to buy it for their home workshop. By making a simple adaptation to a circular saw from available materials, such work can be

New recipe for layered French fries

Crispy, golden fries are popular in many countries. This snack is often consumed while watching a movie or favorite TV series. There are a large number of recipes for preparing vegetables in this form. One of them is multi-layered crispy

5 important rules for a welder that will preserve health, property and improve the quality of work

When performing his professional duties, a welder, due to the specific features of this type of activity, is exposed to several hazardous factors. Among them: electric shock, burn from molten metal, injury

How to make a simple stove from a pipe with a one-time filling and adjustable flame

Far from a gas or electric stove, a stove made from an old pipe and a steel sheet will completely replace them, and given that food cooked on it will give off a slightly smoky flavor, its capabilities become simply priceless. Do

How to deliciously salt fish: Spicy salted anchovy

Do you like to pamper yourself and your loved ones with salted fish? Home-cooked fish is always better than store-bought fish. Today we will salt anchovy, but not simply, but with spices. Blackback is small, but fatty - with its own specific taste

How to make a warm dog house with Wi-Fi control

To keep your pet healthy and happy, it is important to provide him with a warm, comfortable kennel. The proposed design of the booth allows minimizing the care of the dog. You will be able to configure its heating via WiFi from anywhere in the world, and other than that you will forget

Do-it-yourself portable drilling machine with an electromagnetic sole from a hand drill

When working with large metal structures, difficulties arise with drilling them at right angles. It is absolutely impossible to do this with a hand drill. In this case, a portable drilling machine will help. It is equipped with an electromagnetic soleplate, so

How to remove a tree stump using wooden wedges

Stumps on a site near a house or in a country house spoil the landscape, interfere with the improvement of the territory and its more efficient use. To uproot them, they usually use special equipment, the rental of which costs a lot of money. Stump removal is simple

A proven and affordable product that will definitely prevent the lock from freezing in the garage

Almost all motorists, one way or another, in winter, are faced with such a common problem as freezing of the lock. This often happens due to a sudden change in weather, or from warm fumes inside the garage, the moisture from which

5 useful homemade tools and gadgets

You can not only buy a good tool or device, but also make it yourself. We offer a selection of methods for manufacturing such devices. It only includes workable ideas that are easy to repeat.

How to make a garden shredder

After cleaning, there are a lot of branches left in the garden. Having a chopper, they can be crushed into small chips. This tool is extremely useful, as it allows you to keep the area clean, and at the same time make excellent mulch for the beds. It can be done

How to make a convenient jig for sharpening chisels

In order for the chisel to cut into the material, it must be sharpened very well, almost to a razor sharpness. This can only be achieved manually without changing the angle when the cutting edge moves on the sharpening stone. A homemade conductor will help with this.

How to restore an aluminum part by welding

Some aluminum alloys from which various parts are made are prone to brittle fracture. In this case, if excessive force is applied to the product, a rather impressive piece may break off from it. It seems that the restoration of the part

How to make a sandblaster from a small gas cylinder

There is no more effective and versatile abrasive device than sandblasting. They can remove rust from surfaces with complex terrain, remove old paint, etc. If you have a compressor, you simply must make it, because it

How to boil water using magnets

Eddy currents, also known as Foucault currents, occur in electrical conductors when they are exposed to a magnetic field. The principle of their operation is used in induction furnaces. You can clearly see what eddy currents are capable of in your home.

How important is it to tie tomatoes for a large harvest and how to do it correctly

Tomatoes grown in open ground are recommended to be tied up. In some situations, this technique helps preserve the harvest. Even if the tomatoes are not in danger, and they can ripen perfectly lying on the ground, tying them up will still eat

DIY stump planter from an old bucket and rags

To decorate your site, you can make a beautiful flowerpot in the form of a stump, the production cost of which is a pittance. Any flowers will look much better in it. Stump pots are made very simply from unnecessary things that everyone has