How to clean old frying pans from old carbon deposits using cheap products and make them non-stick

Over time, such a layer of soot accumulates on the frying pans that it is not visible at all. It is almost impossible to wash it with a regular detergent and a scraper. However, there is an easy way to clean a frying pan from many years of carbon deposits with almost no effort, and make sure that nothing sticks to it afterwards.

What you will need:

  • Ammonia;
  • garbage bags;
  • vinegar;
  • dish scraper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • rags.

The process of cleaning a frying pan

A frying pan that is covered in soot must first be washed to remove any remaining food and oil. Then it is placed in garbage bags, laid in several layers. 50-100 ml of ammonia is poured onto it, and the bags are tied. After this, the frying pan must be taken outside or onto the balcony, since the smell of ammonia will pass even through polyethylene.

Periodically, you will need to turn the pan over so that the alcohol spreads over its surface. After a day, all the carbon deposits will be easily scraped off. You can remove it with the tip of a knife and wash off the residue with a scraper.

If the frying pan is cast iron, then immediately after this rust will appear on it. To remove it, you need to place the pan in a container of hot water or a sink and pour vinegar on top. In 20-30 minutes the rust will go away.

The wet, cleaned frying pan is placed on the stove and heated until dry. Then a thin layer of vegetable oil is applied to it with a cloth. Flaxseed is best suited for this. A cast iron frying pan needs to be greased on all sides.

The grated frying pan is heated on the stove for 5 minutes with the hood turned on or the windows open, as haze will form during the process. After this, it is again rubbed with oil and heated. This is done 3-10 times to create a non-stick film.

The final fixing of the non-stick layer is done in the oven. Oil is also applied to the frying pan, then it is placed on the grill. You need to heat it for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

After this treatment, the pan will acquire a golden color. Now you can cook anything on it without sticking. This method can restore even the oldest and dirtiest frying pan.

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A method from a Soviet magazine on how to make a frying pan non-stick -
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