A proven and affordable product that will definitely prevent the lock from freezing in the garage

Almost all motorists, one way or another, in winter, are faced with such a common problem as freezing of the lock. This often happens due to a sudden change in weather, or from warm fumes inside the garage, moisture from which condenses on the lock and subsequently turns into ice or frost.

In most cases, auto dealers recommend lubricating the lock with silicone grease. Indeed, this method works, but it has several big disadvantages. Firstly, silicone grease is extremely expensive, and secondly, it is not so durable and requires re-application after a short period of time.

Also, experienced car enthusiasts suggest using a working engine or a small engine. This method also works, but is not as good, since oil does not combine very well with water, which makes up ice or frost. Therefore, lubrication with such means is ineffective and is suitable only for the summer period.

I don’t even want to talk about the well-known WD-40 lubricant: it is only suitable for defrosting, but not as a “long-lasting” lubricant.

How to lubricate a lock in a garage cheaply - 1 best and most affordable remedy

So what can you use to lubricate the lock in cold weather? The brake fluid has proven itself to be excellent. Moreover, the brand and manufacturer do not matter. Unlike the samples described above, it behaves as well as possible. Penetrates perfectly into all cracks and holes, practically does not thicken in the cold. Upon contact with ice, it dissolves it.

This product has been tested for many years. Great for both padlocks and interior locks.

Well, getting it certainly won’t be difficult. Surely you also have an open canister in your garage in case of “topping up”.

When lubricating, it is advisable not to skimp on the product and thoroughly pour it into all existing holes in the lock. Next, close and open the lock several times so that all rubbing parts are reliably lubricated.

That's all. A simple procedure that will definitely prevent the castle from freezing even in the most severe frost.

1 more lifehack with brake fluid

If your car doors squeak in the limiter area, brake fluid is ideal for lubricating them.

All the means used before did not give the desired result for a long time.

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