How to make a powerful low-voltage engine from a car generator

At its core, a car generator is practically no different from a three-phase asynchronous electric motor, with the exception that the generator does not use a squirrel-cage rotor, but with an excitation winding.

Converting such a generator into a powerful and high-speed electric motor will not be difficult. You can make a controller to control it yourself from just 3 transistors, without the use of microcircuits.


Manufacturing a controller for a three-phase motor

The controller circuit is extremely simple and resembles a three-phase multivibrator.

Excitation to the rotor is supplied from a 3.7 V battery. Using a variable resistor, you can adjust the engine speed.

The diagram, for clarity, is assembled by hanging installation.The mosfets are installed on the radiator through a heat-conducting dielectric pad.

How to make a powerful low-voltage electric motor from a generator

Next, you need to slightly modify the future electric motor. We remove the block with the rectifier block from the generator.

Solder the wire to the common wire connecting the generator coils.

We solder the wires to the phases and insulate them with heat shrink.

We solder the wires to the rotor commutator brushes, then to the block with the battery.

We install the battery in the box, supply power from a DC source to the 12-19 V circuit. Using a variable resistor slider, we adjust the engine speed.

Maximum rotation speed over 7000 rpm.

The whole point of this modification is that at the output you get a powerful and high-speed electric motor with low-voltage power supply. Well, where it can be applied is up to you, as always.

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Comments (2)
  1. Aleksandr Vladimirovich
    #1 Aleksandr Vladimirovich Guests 19 May 2023 18:45
    What pink wire goes to the alternator?
  2. Sergeisam
    #2 Sergeisam Guests 3 August 2023 19:49
    The pink wire is +12 Volts, which are supplied to the common connection point of the generator windings.