Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 263

Master classes:

Chocolate card for March 8

March 8 is the favorite spring holiday of all women. It is quite difficult for men on this day, since they must not leave a single woman unattended. You need to congratulate your spouse, your mother, your daughter, your colleague, your grandmother, and your godfather. It’s impossible to even count them all.

Candlestick “Margarita”

It is made on the basis of a champagne glass. We used roses from foamiran, collected with our own hands. Both small and wide candles are suitable for the candlestick. To assemble the composition, we take the following materials: - a transparent champagne glass on a short

Bouquet of sweets “Yellow roses” in a basket

Bouquets of sweets have long ceased to be a new and unusual gift. More and more often, instead of fresh flowers, you can get a basket with wonderful homemade compositions and your favorite candies inside each flower. I offer a simple master class on

Flower pot made from a plastic bottle

The idea of ​​creating a flower pot from a plastic bottle is not new.However, I have not yet seen this craft in this version. In fact, the container was originally intended for planting onions, which in the spring, while still in

Long earrings in vamp style

Every girl should feel unique and attractive. To do this, she must take care of herself, improve herself and use attention-grabbing details in her image. Earrings are one of those accessories that are used

Organizer for knitting needles and hooks

An organizer for knitting needles and hooks is an incredibly convenient and practical thing that allows a needlewoman to always keep her working tools in order. Making it yourself is quite simple. This will require 1 hour of free time,

Wicker candy bowl made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can become indispensable assistants when decorating a summer cottage. Craftsmen have long learned to use waste material to decorate flower beds and local areas. And such a wonderful wicker candy bowl

Napkin holder made from plastic bottles

What holiday would be complete without carbonated drinks in plastic bottles? This is practically an integral attribute of any holiday. After the festivities, there is a lot of empty containers left behind. There is no need to rush to throw it away. Plastic bottles make

Paper basket

This basket is very simple and easy to make. It can be a wonderful addition to the interior of your home or will be a wonderful gift for friends and family.For work you will need: - paper. - glue stick. - universal glue "Titan". -

Shoe dryer

Everyone has faced the problem of drying shoes in winter. There are a lot of shoe dryers, but the most common is the central heating radiator. The only question is how to install the shoes. I suggest making a drying rack from leftover laminate flooring.

Smesharik "Tigrisia"

We continue to expand our collection of Smeshariki. Today we will make Tigress. To begin with, we select frames from the cartoon on the Internet, where the structure of Tigritia is clearly visible. Or download the cartoon and select the necessary frames.

Kitchen shelf

There are places in the kitchen where there is not enough space for a full shelf, but something similar would be nice. For example, there is usually not much space between the gas water heater and the stove, and there are also pipes running on top. Just for such inconvenient places I suggest

Volumetric coffee heart in a pot

Giving perfume or a book for Valentine's Day is a little stupid, because this is a holiday with a dramatic story telling about true, sincere love. Of course, the gift should be unusual. Undoubtedly, you can find something at retail outlets

Making a coffee candle with your own hands

Today there are many interior decorations. Everyone knows that candles can add that unique touch of comfort to any room. And the warmth of a living flame will warm anyone on warm winter evenings. No guest will be able to leave

Cocktail for a romantic dinner

Why not, if it's tasty and unusual? This drink will create tropical aromas and a holiday mood. It will also envelop you in a halo of romance if you prepare it for your beloved (beloved). Never opened a coconut? Don't be afraid, it's

Easter eggs

Every year before Easter, housewives think about the festive table. And if everything is quite simple with Easter cakes, you can find a lot of recipe options on various culinary sites or forums, or, in the end, purchase

How to make a pink teddy bear?

What a pleasure it is to make toys with your own hands! Moreover, this business does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need to have patience, a little free time, imagination and the desire to make something beautiful. Consider the master class

Watercolor card

An original handmade postcard will perfectly emphasize not only an important event, but also the fact that you care about the person. A watercolor card will be a wonderful addition to a gift. It's very easy to do, you just need to

Baby elephant made of multi-colored threads

How to make a baby elephant from multi-colored fluffy threads for a child? To anyone who is wondering whether they should take up hand knitting, we can only advise one thing: it definitely is. After all, this is a very exciting and useful activity.

Gift packaging “Delicate flower”

Throughout the year, we repeatedly choose gifts for family and friends.Of course, you can pack a gift directly in the store, but if you want to make the packaging beautiful, exclusive and unusual, this master class is just for you. He

Covers for students

Modern male and female students are very bright, cheerful and creative personalities, so everything should match their appearance, including additional accessories. Students are generally already independent, one might say, accomplished people, since

Vase made from a plastic bottle

The reason for creating a vase from a plastic bottle was flowers made from white plastic bags. The chrysanthemums turned out to be so delicate and light that we had to look for options in which the flower arrangement would be in harmony with the vase.

Couple of cats

The cutest and funniest animals are cats. It happens that lovers behave like these pets. They hug, scratch each other behind the ears and purr funny at the same time. Symbolic comparison! Therefore, you can give your favorite “cat”

Passport cover

This master class will help us make not just an ordinary leather cover that can be bought in any store, but a cover with a beautiful, glamorous lady that will go perfectly with you, or with the girl for whom you want