How to make a pink teddy bear?

What a pleasure it is to make toys with your own hands! Moreover, this business does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need to have patience, a little free time, imagination and the desire to make something beautiful.
Consider a master class on making a pink fleece bear.
Let's first decide on the following.
Size of the finished teddy bear: about 20 cm.
Work readiness level: elementary.
Toy making time: 2-3 hours.
To work you need to prepare:
  • a piece of pink fleece;
  • wire for limbs,
  • filler,
  • a needle;
  • pinkish threads;
  • pink “iris” threads;
  • two beads for eyes.

Step one. Pattern.
First, let's prepare the material and iron it.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Then we cut out a pattern from paper. It is shown in the figure.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Trace the pattern onto the fabric using a black felt-tip pen.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Then we cut out all the parts and start sewing them together.
Step two. Head.
The head is made of 4 parts. First we sew together the details of the face, and then the details of the back of the head. It turns out the following.
How to make a pink teddy bear

When this work is ready, turn the front parts of the muzzle right side out.And then we proceed to sewing the ears.
How to make a pink teddy bear

When the ears are ready, sew them on the front side of the muzzle. This is the picture we get.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Next, we sew together the details of the face and the back of the head, and stuff the toy. We now have a finished head.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Step three. The body of a bear cub.
Before making the body, you need to stitch together two undercuts on each piece.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Then we stitch together the two body parts.
How to make a pink teddy bear

We stuff the bear's body with filler and sew the finished head on top.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Step four. Paws.
The length of our front legs is approximately 7 cm. In order to make them, we take 2 parts, sew them together and then fill them with holofiber.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Step five. Legs.
In order to make the legs, you first need to sew 2 parts, and then add the oval foot part down. Without padding, the legs look like this.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Step six. Decorating the product
Now we need to make a nose for our little bear using iris threads. Also don't forget to glue the eyes.
This is what happens.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Now we thread the wire through the arms and legs. This will make the arms and legs more flexible.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Sew on the padded legs and arms.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Here our little bear is ready. We ask you to love him and favor him.
How to make a pink teddy bear

And yet he is cute. Any child will be happy to receive such a toy.
How to make a pink teddy bear

Good luck in your creative search!
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