Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 103

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Tricks for cutting and saving: How to pickle trout at home

There is no point in talking about the difference in taste between lightly salted trout created in a factory and prepared independently. In the first case, the quality of the product remains on the conscience of the manufacturer, while in the second it is enough to choose fresh

Convenient and simple workbench for trimming boards

Wood processing is a multifaceted job. Each stage has its own nuances. And if to harvest the wood directly you need machines, chainsaws, and transporters, then to dismantle solid wood boards you cannot do without a sawmill. Everyone is doing this

This is definitely the most compact way to store tomatoes.

From ripe tomatoes you can make an excellent dried seasoning, which will be stored for a year or even more in a glass jar in the kitchen without any loss. Dry tomatoes ground in a coffee grinder can be further diluted with boiling water, added spices and

Convenient brake shoe attachment for welding pipes at right angles

If you often have to weld profile pipes, then in order to speed up the process as much as possible and achieve precise observance of the right angle, it is worth making the following device. When using it, the pipes will not be welded, so each connection

How to Repair an Expanding Crack in a Wall to Stop It Reappearing

Uneven shrinkage of the foundation is accompanied by the appearance of cracks on the walls. On difficult soils or with insufficient reinforcement of the base, this process can continue for years. In this case, the problem is solved by using staples and solution.

How to bake 5 kg of meat in a pit in one piece

To treat guests, it’s a great idea to serve a mountain of meat, baked in one piece. To make it really tasty and aromatic, doing it in the oven is not an option. Try baking it in a pit over coals, the result will simply amaze you. It's a long time

Popular misconceptions that make hangovers worse. Toxicologist's advice

There are many misconceptions about what you need to do to relieve hangover symptoms. If you follow some advice, it will get worse. So never do the following.

How to make an electronics case from PVC pipe

To place a power supply, switch, speed controller or other electrical equipment, a box made of dielectric material is required. It can be made from an ordinary PVC sewer pipe, and it will look almost like a store-bought one.

How to reliably insulate the foundation yourself

To minimize heat loss in the house, you need to insulate not only the walls, but also the foundation.When combining penoplex and adhesive foam, this can be done by one person.

Lard in brine, a unique taste familiar from childhood

You can pickle lard in different ways. According to some recipes it turns out boiled, according to others it turns out hard. If you want to make lard with a soft skin, but not boiled, then try this cooking method.

6 cheap remedies from the pharmacy that will save you from a hangover

It will surprise no one that in a pharmacy drugs with the same active ingredient can have a price difference of 10 or more times. Let's look at 6 available remedies that will help with a hangover.

Gates are warmer than walls. How to properly insulate metal garage doors

Even an old, clumsy garage door can be brought to life, making it draft-free and warm, and with almost no increase in its weight. All the materials necessary for this can be brought in your own car without the involvement of delivery services, therefore

Just put the meat in a bottle and get sausage, it couldn’t be simpler

A rather unpleasant moment when preparing homemade brawn is the preparation and filling of the intestines or stomach. It is much easier to use an ordinary plastic bottle instead. The taste of the brawn will be the same, and it will take less time to cook.

A cheap way to fight ants and aphids on trees

Aphids appear on tree leaves thanks to the ants that inhabit them. Therefore, to get rid of it, you need to remove the ants. This can be done in a very simple, almost free way.

How to pull out a concrete pillar with a jack

Right in the middle of summer cottages you can find old, de-energized concrete power line poles, which energy companies have no intention of removing. In this case, all worries about their removal fall on the shoulders of the site owners. Mainly the problem

How to easily disassemble an engine armature into copper

The armature of an electric motor consists of 20-25% copper wire. Therefore, if it burns out, then it can be removed and taken to a metal collection center. However, the wire is often filled with varnish, so it is extremely difficult to pull it out of the core, and if this happens, then

Making a concrete garden path under a stone with your own hands is not difficult

Thanks to the commercial availability of concrete dyes, it has become possible to pour decorative colored garden paths that skillfully imitate stone. They look no worse than paving slabs, but do not have problems with sprouting

Do you want to get a bumper harvest next summer? Then do this

In order to restore depleted soil for the new season, in the fall, before cultivating or plowing it, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer. Let's look at how to do this, how much and what kind of fertilizer to apply.

It will not rot: How to install wooden posts in the ground

If you need to install a fence for grapes or a fence, in order to reduce the cost of construction, you can use your own prepared wooden poles. If you properly prepare and bury them, they will last no less than

How much valuable metal can you get from an old refrigerator if you disassemble it yourself?

When clearing out the clutter from your closet, many things are simply thrown into the landfill, although they can be used to make good money. An example is an old Soviet refrigerator. If you disassemble it and sell it for scrap metal, you can make good money.

How to make a door to a bathhouse of an interesting design from old boards

To reduce the cost of construction, doors for a utility room or bathhouse can be made with your own hands. To save even more, this can be made from old previously used boards.

How to Make Prismatic Aluminum Vise Covers

Standard steel vise jaws leave deep dents on round and profile wooden workpieces, so you have to wrap them with rubber every time, which is inconvenient. If you have a router, you can make aluminum prismatic linings on

How to repair a crack in a façade once and for all

Very often, cracks appear on the facades of new buildings. Months after sealing, they open again, as the foundation continues to shrink for another 3-5 years after construction is completed. In this regard, it makes sense to repair the wall only

How to make a simple 220V generator with your own hands

For most people, a homemade generator is associated with a converted electric motor. In fact, it can be done differently, literally from scratch. Moreover, it is absolutely not difficult, fast and inexpensive.