Hunting fishing tourism survival. Page 5

Master classes:

How to catch fish with a plastic bottle

Tourists have situations when problems arise with food. If there is a body of water nearby, then the problem can be solved even in the absence of fishing rods. The device is made from a five-liter plastic bottle and a rope 4–5 meters long. Capacity

Pickling milk mushrooms, my step-by-step recipe

If you boil potatoes, put mushrooms on a plate, chop an onion and pour vegetable oil or country sour cream over it all, then it’s hard to think of a better snack. Salted milk mushrooms are very rare in stores and are very expensive.

Portable solar power station for hiking, tourism

This is a fully-fledged miniature solar power plant. The thing is extremely useful when hiking, outdoor recreation, and anywhere where there is no electricity and there is sunlight. You can use it to inflate an air mattress or boat, take a shower or

Cooking river fish over a fire - fried crucian carp is finger-licking good

Outdoor recreation is often accompanied by cooking barbecue. When you're tired of pork and chicken, move on to fish. Residents of reservoirs are very susceptible to roasting over fire and the composition of the marinade. In these moments you need to be careful, not

Do-it-yourself portable miracle stove from an old canister

Cooking outdoors rarely comes with comfort. You need to collect a lot of firewood, hammer in pegs with a crossbar for hanging the pot, raise the heat, etc. As a result, the usual preparation of shurpa or fish soup turns into a complex action.

How to Start a Fire Using a Plastic Bag

Experienced tourists know several ways to light a fire in the forest without matches or lighters, but they all require great physical effort and special devices. We offer one more, you don’t need to rub anything, the sun will work.

How to open a tin can with a spoon

Many people have encountered a situation where they have nothing to open a can with - either there is no special can opener in the kitchen, or they forgot to take it to a picnic. There is a simple and fairly safe method; it can be used for all cans, not

Self-sustaining long-burning fire

Tourists and travelers, fishermen and hunters often stay in the forest overnight; without a fire, spending the night is dangerous and uncomfortable. But how can you keep it burning for a long time while you rest? There is an original solution, although to implement it you will have to

How to make a scout fire (smokeless fire)

The secrecy of a fire is ensured not only by the technology of making it, but by the correct choice of time and specific place. It is better to light the fire early in the morning during fog or late in the evening, skillfully taking advantage of the terrain features. Choose

Smoking fish while fishing: fast, simple, tasty. My report

This year I was lucky enough to spend part of my spring vacation on a forest river. Going fishing with tents with a group of friends is a special kind of pleasure. Our camp was not permanent; during the week-long trip we changed three places

Portable Gas Heated Shower for Camping

Relaxing outdoors in tents or using a cramped motorhome, you can only dream of a hot shower. Usually tourists use a suspended container of water, which is heated by the sun, but it is warm only in the afternoon and until the evening.

How to make a folding pocket stove for camping cooking

When going fishing or hiking, there is a need to cook hot food outdoors. Typically, a large pot suspended over a fire or a camp gas burner is used for this. In the first case, you need to collect a lot of firewood, and in

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes in the forest without special equipment

Mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, ticks, and other blood-sucking brethren can greatly spoil the impressions of outdoor recreation, fishing, mushroom picking, or just a walk in the forest. It’s good if you have a can of Deta or other repellent in your pocket.

7 ways to make a fire outdoors

It’s a shame to be in tears when you’re in the forest among the trees and not be able to make a fire, especially if a cold and hungry night awaits you. Growing trees have high humidity and in order for them to catch fire, quite

How to make flint from two metals

Flint is a rather interesting thing. In stores specializing in this kind of goods, there are no different shapes, sizes and types of them. It’s impossible to list everything. I buy flint and steel quite often, as it is irreplaceable and very practical in the forest.

DIY dry alcohol

An integral part of any long hike is a fire. For quick ignition, tourists often use dry fuel. However, if a chemist tourist goes on a hike, then in his arsenal for ignition there is something more interesting - solid alcohol.

How to make waterproof matches

When going on a hiking trip or a long fishing trip with an overnight stay for several days, you need to prepare for bad weather and protect your matches from getting wet. Of course, you can store them in special sealed boxes, but plastic containers

5 ways to sharpen a knife without a sharpener while traveling

It is more convenient, more productive and safer to use a sharp knife, which can only be achieved by properly sharpening it. When working with a dull tool, you have to put in much more effort than is required for the job being performed.

Flint made from empty lighters

How favorably ferrocerium flint compares favorably with other means of producing fire, many articles have already been written and videos made. It is quite easy to make fire in extreme conditions, even in wet weather, if you have some desire. Ways

DIY heated insoles

Electrically heated insoles are a truly magnificent thing that will especially appeal to those who spend a long time outside in the winter, waiting for a bus at a bus stop or for other reasons. Fishermen or hunters will really like this homemade product.

How to build your EDC kit

Spring is just around the corner, which means that hikers will soon begin preparing their equipment for travel. However, some lovers of this type of active recreation are not stopped by winter - I know from myself... With me, no matter what time of year I

Let's make it on a hike: DIY folding fork-spoon

There are a huge variety of folding tools for outdoor picnics, fishing and hiking. One of the most important, in my opinion, is a foldable set with many options. In a good set, in addition to the knife blade itself, there may be a fork

Three options for making a Finnish candle from a log

A Finnish or Scandinavian candle is a campfire design common among hunters and fishermen, consisting of one thick log mounted vertically. It can be used for lighting, heating and cooking.

DIY tactical flint

High-quality and good tactical flint is not cheap in an online store, not to mention in regular stores - their requests make your eyes pop. After all, in essence, what is a tactical flint? This is a ferrocerium rod, approximately 5x50 mm. And