Hunting fishing tourism survival. Page 4

Master classes:

DIY flint laces

As the snow melts, the season for forest walks, hikes and overnight fishing approaches. You should start preparing your equipment. Matches, lighters, various kindlings - all this, of course, is wonderful, but you need to think about a backup option. Such a thing,

Recipe for perch fish soup with caviar

Perch soup with caviar is a light and dietary dish. This healthy fish soup is perfect for lunch or dinner. With caviar, the soup turns out tasty and rich, and adding spices will make the broth aromatic in taste. Suitable for the recipe as fresh,

How to make a stable folding travel table with your own hands

Outdoor recreation is usually accompanied by inconvenience due to the lack of proper furniture. While folding chairs can still be bought at a reasonable price, the situation with tables is worse. They are either too flimsy or expensive. Not having

How to make an ax from rebar

Construction reinforcement can be used not only for working with concrete, but also for creating various crafts. One of the most unusual options for its use is the manufacture of a skeletal type ax. With a fairly decorative appearance

How to dry bream correctly. I reveal the recipe and knowledge inherited from my ancestors

Drying fish is not at all a difficult task, as it might seem at first glance. From autumn to spring, when fish are abundant in local rivers, they begin to stock them, and if you like to treat yourself and your friends with beer with fish, then there is nothing

DIY tent heat exchanger

Fishing from ice in a heated tent in winter is more pleasant than at sub-zero temperatures. While your comrades are hiding from the wind and alternately warming their hands, you can sit with a fishing rod in a tent without a jacket. When hiking in cold weather, the heat exchanger

Do-it-yourself 12 V boat electric motor

Many people enjoy fishing and boat trips on the water. The hobby for this active outdoor recreation is popular, especially if you have at least a small plastic boat with 1-2 seats. Budget versions of such boats are produced without a motor, so

4 unusual ways to start a fire

Being in nature for a long time, a person needs to light a fire, but as luck would have it, the matches become damp and do not heal. There are several ways to light fires using improvised means that are successfully used by people in our time.

How to make a quality fishing float from a wine cork

Wine corks float well, which is why they are an ideal raw material for making homemade floats. Such floats, unlike factory foam and plastic ones, are shipped with a heavy sinker, so the equipment with them flies into the air when casting.

How to make an army pocket stove from the remains of a profile

After interior renovations or exterior cladding of the walls of a house, there is always a lot of useful trash left. In addition to fragments of old building material that are still suitable for use, there are still many pieces of new material remaining. The segments are such that they seem to be relevant

How to light a match on a match without chirkash

An interesting trick or life hack is how you can light matches against each other without a box of chirkash. You can bet your friends that you will do this and then win the bet. Or use this method in a difficult situation, if you have everything

How to make a compact heater from an old oil filter

When camping or fishing, a safe source of fire is essential, especially in the fall or winter. At night, you can use it to maintain an acceptable temperature in a tent, warm your cold hands near the water, etc.

How to easily make a chair

With the advent of matches and lighters, ancient methods of making fire were almost forgotten. At the same time, it’s worth knowing about them, because dry matches or a refilled lighter are not always at hand. Let's look at how to make a flint chair from a file and how to use it

How to make a camping samovar from old thermoses

An old thermos can be useful for a lot of things. For example, as a container for something.For both liquids and solids. Or, as a last resort, you can leave it for good stainless steel that might come in handy someday. Exactly like this

How to make a pocket stove - hand warmer

Many lovers of active recreation, as well as various survivalists, with the onset of cold weather, are not going to give up hiking, walks in the forest, and similar activities. In such cases, people especially choose equipment and clothing

Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

To obtain fresh water suitable for drinking from salt water, you do not need anything scarce, including the principle. We use the classic approach: boiling seawater and condensing water vapor.

Alcohol jet burner made from aluminum cans

The hiking life of an avid tourist is not complete without all sorts of gadgets and devices. After all, the more prepared you are in nature, the easier it will be to cope with everyday difficulties, such as heating water or food. Seems simple

Making a candle for tourism from a tea shop

Every tourist knows how heating devices help out in nature because they can work long enough to cook food or warm water for tea. The question is how burdensome such a heater will be in terms of weight and

Picnic in nature - delicious pasta over a fire!

When going outdoors, you need to take care of tasty and healthy food! You can, of course, buy ready-made products, for example, canned ones, and not burden yourself with cooking, but what to do if you want a hot and satisfying lunch? It's quite

I made an attachment for a drill, now I take this set on every trip

To cook food in the forest, you need a fire, for which you need to collect firewood. Also, in order to have somewhere to put a frying pan or saucepan, you need a special device. Plus, the fire doesn’t burn for very long and you need it constantly

How to open a tin can with bare hands

Anything can happen in life. And if you went on a long hike. And it just so happens that you don’t have an opener or even a knife to open the jar, then this method will help you out. Opening a tin can with bare hands is quite possible. There is no need for this

How to start a fire with a bottle

Over the course of his entire existence, man has come up with a colossal number of ways to make fire without matches or a lighter. Here, for example, is one of them available: how you can light a fire using a bottle using solar energy. The method works quite well

How to start a fire with an empty lighter

Anything can happen in life, especially when you don't expect it. For example, you went fishing or hiking. They took a lighter with them to start a fire and did not check its functionality. Upon arrival, it turned out that there was no gas in it and

How to make a hand pump for pumping water out of PVC pipes

While floating on a boat, water gradually fills it; it is not always possible to dry the bottom with a cloth due to design features. There are special devices for sale for such purposes, but they are quite expensive. There is a simple