Hunting fishing tourism survival. Page 3

Master classes:

How to make a lightweight camping hatchet from an old disk without forging or heat treatment

The circular disk is made of excellent steel, so you can cut a small, fully functional camping hatchet out of it. It will come in handy when fishing, on a picnic, and will also help out at home, for example, when cutting up chicken. The cost of a used saw blade is

How to make a catchable fish trap from a PET bottle

You can catch fish in different ways, even using traps made from ordinary PET bottles. Of course, you can’t get trophies with them, but it’s quite possible to prepare small fish for drying, preparing canned food, or for live bait.

How to make a reliable drill with overhead blades from a saw blade

If you don’t have a garden auger, you don’t have to go to a hardware store to buy one; you can weld this tool yourself. To do this, all you need is an old circular blade and a couple of worn-out reciprocating saw blades.

How not to leave the forest without mushrooms. Advice from a professional mycologist

To collect full baskets of mushrooms, you have to comb hectares of forest. This makes your legs and back tired and wastes a lot of time. In fact, mycologists have long identified the places where mushrooms grow at every step. Knowing these secrets, you can immediately

It bites all year round and in any weather

The dough for fishing should be aromatic and dense enough so as not to fall off the hook at the slightest bite. The honey and yolk dough has all these qualities, which can be used for fishing literally all year round, even in the heat, even

How to clean a bucket of fish in 15 minutes

Have you caught a lot of fish and want to quickly clean everything without the scales flying in different directions? There is a very interesting way. The idea is certainly not new, there are already many similar methods on the Internet, so we decided to repeat what we saw and clean the fish quickly

A tourist hatchet made from a rail without a forge, forging or other complications

For fishing and picnics, you can make an ax-hammer from a rail. If it is equipped with a handle made of an aluminum profile pipe, then it will also be possible to store various small things in it, such as fishing line with hooks, a tripod for a pot, matches or even a small

How to make a light boat from PVC pipes in one evening

A homemade boat is significantly cheaper than a high-quality purchased one, and it is also often stronger and more durable. It can be made from almost anything, from wood to aluminum sheets. All these methods are not so simple and require

How to make fire in the forest without matches or a lighter

Nowadays, there are more than enough objects with which you can make fire. These include matches, both ordinary and hunting, termite, long-burning, etc. Lighters, both regular gas and petrol and electronic. As well as a variety of flints,

How to make a big boat from plastic barrels

If you decide to make a light boat with a metal frame, you can use plastic barrels spread out lengthwise to cover it. This will eliminate the occurrence of bottom corrosion, significantly lighten the structure and eliminate the need for periodic painting.

Extractor for fishing in 15 minutes

The fishing season has begun, but it often happens that the fish swallows the hook too deep, and getting it out without damaging the fish is very problematic. An extractor can help here - a device for removing the hook without harm to the fish.

How to make a camp frying pan from a piece of stainless steel

Tourist frying pans are not much different from ordinary ones. They are just as deep, the only thing is that they have a compact folding handle. It is much more convenient if the pan has a slight concavity. Then even if it is wide, it is comfortable

How to make a simple folding fishing boat

When going fishing in small swamps and swimming into reed thickets on ordinary inflatable boats, there is always a high probability of sailing back without it. The cylinders of inflatable boats are pierced and cut at the moment, so swimming on them in

How to make a wood chip stove with active airflow

Hiking, when in your backpack you have not only a sleeping bag and a minimum of the most necessary things, but also a supply of food, is definitely not for me. The most “savagery” I can do is to drive into the forest for a day and barbecue. And I can

Tips from experienced fishermen: 3 ways to clean perch quickly and without dirt

Perch is a tasty fish, but difficult to cut. It is usually easier to catch than to clean, unless you know some secrets that allow you to remove the scales quickly, easily and without dirt.

We clean the catch with a screwdriver right while fishing in a couple of minutes

Fans of fishing for pike, pike-perch and perch know how difficult it is to clean them afterwards. This is much more difficult than cleaning carp, crucian carp and other peaceful fish. To avoid pricking your fingers on the fins and spending hours scratching scales off your catch, it’s worth making a special

How to make an automatic fishing rod in forest conditions

Many types of gear have been invented for fishing, most of which require timely hooking on the part of the fisherman. If you don’t have time to sit over the floats, then you can assemble a special tackle with automatic

How to purify and disinfect water in the forest without a pot or flask

The fact that water disinfection is solved by boiling is a long-known fact. If you have a pot or a metal flask, anyone can cope with this task. If there is no container suitable for installation on the fire, then prepare water for consumption

How to make a folding pocket knife from broken scissors

Old broken hard stainless steel scissors can be used to make a pocket knife. This is an interesting project, for the implementation of which all you need is a basic tool, maybe even a manual one.

How to make a compact tile for a gas canister

The so-called Turkish tourist burners are equipped with a large 5 liter gas cylinder. This makes them prohibitively large for walking and cycling. However, they are equipped with very reliable shut-off valves that exceed the service life

How to Make a Simple and Multifunctional Rocket Stove

Any materials are suitable for making such a stove: stones, bricks, wall blocks, metal and even stumps. It is quite simple and you don’t need to be a professional stove maker to make it yourself.

How to make a mini tourist heater from an oil filter

When going winter fishing or spending the night in a tent, it’s a good idea to have a small heater to keep you warm or at least warm your hands. You can make it from an ordinary oil filter.

How to make a clamshell from a plastic bottle

To catch crayfish, special crayfish traps equipped with bait are used. Crayfish find them by smell, crawl inside and cannot get back out. By installing one such trap at the bottom of a reservoir with crayfish, you can catch dozens of them at a time.

How to make a camp stove-oven from a balloon

When relaxing in nature for a long time, you have to limit your diet to dishes that can be cooked in a pot or over coals. If you make a homemade oven-stove from a gas cylinder, then even on a hike you will be able to cook anything, just like on