How to make an automatic fishing rod in forest conditions

Many types of gear have been invented for fishing, most of which require timely hooking on the part of the fisherman. If you don’t have time to sit over the floats, then you can assemble a special tackle with automatic hooking. It is done right next to the pond using mostly freshly cut branches.
How to make an automatic fishing rod


  • living branches as thick as your thumb;
  • cord or thick thread;
  • fishing line;
  • hook;
  • sinker;
  • swivel

How to make an automatic fishing rod

Manufacturing process and installation of gear

A small stick 5-8 cm long must be sawed down to half, stepping back 2 cm from the edge.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

After this, it is split lengthwise so as to chop off half before cutting.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

How to make an automatic fishing rod

Then 2 grooves are cut on it closer to the edges for tying the cord. On a solid part the groove is cut in a circle, on a chipped part only along the rounded side.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

How to make an automatic fishing rod

After this, you need to find and cut 2 branches with a branch. One of them is cut off just before the fork. Its thickest branch is shortened after 30-40 cm, and the thinnest after 10 cm. For the second branch, you need to leave 60-100 cm in front of the fork and 10 cm on the branches. Its long side becomes sharper.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

Then a long, even rod is also cut from a living branch. If this is not found, then it can be connected from two branches. The rod rests between the horns of a stand made of a long branch with a fork inserted into the ground. It is pressed down from above with a short fork.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

How to make an automatic fishing rod

A 30-60 cm cord is tied to the end of the rod. A loop is made at its second edge with a slight indentation, turned over and the middle of the cord is inserted into it. The result is a knot that is tightened on the short workpiece from the split side. For reliability, it needs to be secured with a regular knot.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

Another piece of cord is tied to the second slot of the short workpiece. A fishing line with a hook and sinker is attached to it with a knot or through a swivel. To alert the tackle, you need to pull the top of the rod down by the tied piece of wood and hook it onto a stick with a notch driven into the ground.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

How to make an automatic fishing rod

How to make an automatic fishing rod

How to make an automatic fishing rod

When the fish takes the hook and pulls on the line, the hook will move and the rod will strike when leveling off. Instead of a straight stick, you can use an inverted spear to hook the tackle, the same one that presses the rod.
How to make an automatic fishing rod

Watch the video

Watch the whole process of fishing in the video.
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