Cooking. Page 6

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How to dry eggplants without a dryer

One of the most convenient and popular ways of preserving many products of plant origin (mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs), perhaps, has always been and remains drying. This is explained not only by simplicity and low costs

Deruny pancakes, secrets of cooking without flour

Many people know that potatoes are used to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. Let's talk about one of them today. It will take very little time and a small set of ingredients to prepare it. But you will get something wonderful

How to cook white fish (pangasius) beautifully and without breading, just like in a restaurant

Beautiful food can't only be found in a restaurant. Desire and a little imagination will give the dish a completely different look. I share my secrets to increase your appetite and mood.

What to do with a lot of tomatoes? Prepare sun-dried tomatoes

If you put sun-dried tomatoes in bags and put them in the freezer, then the preparations will be stored for about a year. Moreover, due to their size, they take up extremely little space. Recently, it has become very popular to dry tomatoes and season them

How to simply preserve melon and enjoy “pieces of summer” in winter

Taking out a jar of such “pieces of summer” from the cellar and enjoying it in the winter is simply an indescribable pleasure. Canned melon retains its flavor and is used to prepare various desserts.

How to deliciously fry porcini mushrooms in a frying pan

Fresh porcini mushrooms fried in a frying pan with onions make not only a tasty, but also a filling dish, despite the low calorie content. These fresh mushrooms can easily be prepared as an independent hot or cold dish.

Homemade jerk chicken recipe

If you think that making jerky is a rather complicated process that requires a lot of time, then you are deeply mistaken. It will take a maximum of 30 minutes to prepare, since basically the cooking process does not require your

How to make a device for chopping large quantities of cabbage

Shredding cabbage is not a difficult, but lengthy process. If you prepare winter preparations from it or ferment it in a barrel, then grinding may take a couple of hours. In this case, take an hour and make a mechanical shredder for

An easy dinner recipe for the whole family that's hard to mess up.

Even if cooking isn't your thing, there are still some dishes that you can't mess up. If you do everything strictly according to the recipe, you will definitely get them. They have all the proportions of ingredients and spices calculated, so you don’t even need to taste anything,

Pasta recipe with Feta cheese - even a child can prepare it

Today I would like to share a recipe for those who want to please their beloved half with a pleasant taste. Of course, this dish can become a classic dinner option in your family, because it is really tasty. Below we will talk about pasta with cheese

Cream, condensed milk and berries - 3 ingredients for delicious homemade ice cream

Ice cream lovers have probably noticed that every year it becomes more and more unnatural with a large amount of vegetable fats. It is not only not useful, but on the contrary harmful. If you miss delicious natural ice cream, then

How to bake crucian carp in foil with onions is very tasty

Crucian carp with onions baked in its own juice is a hearty, tasty and appetizing dish that will delight not only the whole family, but also guests with its exquisite taste. Preparing such a dish will not be difficult and will not take much time.

Instant lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan

There are quite a few recipes for pickling lightly salted cucumbers, and sometimes choosing the perfect one is incredibly difficult. If you want cucumbers to quickly (literally in a couple of hours) become lightly salted, while still being aromatic and crispy, then feel free to

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers. Quick cooking in a bag

Quickly prepare lightly salted cucumbers for a picnic. A snack prepared in this way can be eaten within a couple of hours. You don't need a jar or other container for cooking. Instead of containers, a simple ziplock bag will be used

How to cook smoked lard without a smoker in the oven

Without the help of any smokehouse, you can easily prepare lard that tastes very much like smoked lard.Moreover, this can be done in a baking sleeve in the oven. Thanks to the addition of prunes and onion peels, lard marinated in spices

Particularly tender kebab soaked in milk and marinated in lemon juice

Many chefs believe that cooking barbecue is a purely male activity. That is why in our family only my husband marinates and fries this dish. One of the original marinade recipes is with milk. The finished products are especially tender and

Mayonnaise will make the kebab meat softer. Simple mayonnaise marinade

One of the most popular marinades for softening transverse meat fibers is mayonnaise. By adding lemon juice and your favorite spices to the mixture for soaking meat, you can get the most tender and delicious kebab with a golden crust.

Classic recipe for pickling crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a jar

Lightly salted cucumbers are a favorite snack. It's quick and easy to prepare. Crispy lightly salted cucumbers can be taken on a picnic; the snack is also served for lunch with meat or fish. For cooking you need young cucumbers up to ten centimeters long, namely

How to simply and deliciously fry crucian carp

Fried crucian carp is the simplest, fastest, and most importantly delicious dish that can be served for dinner. It is not difficult to prepare tender river fish with a crispy crust; even inexperienced housewives or novice cooks can do it. To prepare this

Quick salted mackerel

Do you want to quickly pickle mackerel to make it delicious? Then this recipe will definitely suit you. Fragrant mackerel, salted in brine (without vinegar) with the addition of vegetable oil and onions, is ready the very next day after salting. In progress

Lightly salted cucumbers in a couple of hours

This recipe for lightly salted cucumbers is a real bomb! Not only do the cucumbers turn out aromatic and crispy, but they are also pickled in literally a couple of hours, while maintaining their color. Pickling lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe is real

Top 5 dishes on the grill

In the summer, everyone likes to relax in their own way. One goes on a long-awaited hot trip to the sea, another takes a break from the noisy city everyday life, working in the country, and the third goes on long hikes with friends and spends the night in a tent. I just love

Belyashi “Minutka” on yeast choux pastry

The plump, “finely porous” shell of the belyash reliably holds not only the filling, but also a large amount of meat juice, which makes this dish incredibly tasty and popular. In addition, the process of preparing the dough is lightning fast - no need

How to make kvass “like from a yellow barrel” and remember the taste of Soviet childhood

How nice it is to quench your thirst on a hot summer day with a glass of cold, delicious kvass. And of course, every person, remembering his “Soviet childhood,” knows the taste of kvass “from yellow barrels.” Many adults swear that there is such delicious food in stores now