Deruny pancakes, secrets of cooking without flour

Many people know that potatoes are used to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. Let's talk about one of them today. It will take very little time and a small set of ingredients to prepare it. But you will get a great-tasting dish, and you can serve it to the table, even to guests, without hesitation.

Potato pancakes have several other names: potato pancakes, potato pancakes, teruntsy, potato pancakes and many others. They are prepared everywhere: in Russia and Ukraine, Belarus and Germany. And more than one country is also competing for the right to consider this recipe its national dish.

The name potato pancakes speaks for itself. It comes from the word “tear”. After all, to cook it you need to grate the potatoes.

List of ingredients

  • Potatoes – 7-8 pieces.
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece.
  • We use spices such as salt and ground black pepper to taste.

So, the recipe

Take peeled and washed potatoes. Now you need to rub it using a coarse grater. Place the resulting mass in a bowl. Finely chop the onions and place them in the same bowl as the grated potatoes.Beat a chicken egg into a bowl, add salt, pepper and mix the mixture. You can leave the so-called minced meat to stand for a while (no more than 15 minutes). During this time, it will release water that needs to be drained.

Then spoon the flatbread into the prepared pan. The form can be arbitrary. Who likes it how? I like to fry potato pancakes in the form of cutlets.

Fry on both sides until we see a beautiful golden crust. Place on prepared plate. You can serve it by garnishing with chopped herbs and adding sour cream.

The absence of flour in the recipe makes the dish healthier and richer in taste.

All that remains is to traditionally wish you – bon appetit!

How to cook delicious potato pancakes with cheese -
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