How to make kvass “like from a yellow barrel” and remember the taste of Soviet childhood

How nice it is to quench your thirst on a hot summer day with a glass of cold, delicious kvass. And of course, every person, remembering his “Soviet childhood,” knows the taste of kvass “from yellow barrels.” Many adults complain that you can’t find such delicious kvass in stores now. But why look for it if you can prepare an invigorating drink at home. Moreover, the recipe for making such kvass is simple, and the taste comes out “like from a yellow barrel.” Moreover, you only need four ingredients: dry yeast, which needs sugar to react; In addition, you will need citric acid, and the main ingredient will be chicory.

Yes, homemade chicory kvass tastes like barrel kvass.


So, to prepare 3 liters of kvass at home you will need:

  • - 4 tablespoons of chicory;
  • - 2/3 teaspoon of citric acid and exactly the same amount of dry yeast;
  • - 12 tablespoons of sugar.

Making kvass “like from a yellow barrel”

It is necessary to prepare a container for mixing the ingredients. It must be dry.It is important! You will also need a tablespoon and a teaspoon to measure the ingredients.

In this case, a double-sided measuring spoon is used (a tablespoon on one side, a teaspoon on the other).

Measure sugar into a dry container.

Then chicory.

The next ingredient will be citric acid.

Dry yeast must be fresh, so when purchasing, you need to check the production date.

The order of adding ingredients can be arbitrary, because in the end all the dry ingredients in the container need to be mixed.

Now you need to measure out 3 liters of warm water (meaning water at a temperature of about 40 degrees).

Pour the entire mixture of dry ingredients into a container with warm water.

The yeast will react immediately, this will be visible by the sizzling bubbles. Immediately close the container tightly with a lid and shake everything to mix the ingredients.

Then put the kvass “warmly”. This could be a place near a battery or a windowsill in direct sunlight.

When the warm water in the container has cooled to room temperature, the kvass can be placed in the refrigerator overnight.

There he will continue to “wander.” By morning the invigorating drink will be ready. You can taste it.

Bon appetit!

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