Cooking. Page 3

Master classes:

Refreshing Turkish lemonade. No cooking

How to properly prepare lemonade in Turkish? Even the Turks do not have a single answer to this question. Therefore, I do not pretend to accurately reproduce the Turkish analogue. But it seems that in her recipe she has collected the best of everything that cooking gurus recommend.

The most affordable and delicious kvass made from black bread

Not everyone recommends kvass delicacies. In some people they cause heartburn and aggravate the course of chronic diseases. Claims that they improve potency, the condition of hair, nails, etc. are controversial. I love this simple recipe

No oven and no yeast. Multilayer meat envelopes made from flour and minced meat, juicier than chebureks

Especially for those who don’t like to stand at the stove for hours, frying and baking, there is an original recipe. To implement it, you need flour, minced meat and several other products. The taste of this snack is pleasantly surprising and memorable. And no oven

A simple but clever way that will allow you to wipe dust less often

Dust appears every day, every hour, no matter how much you wipe it. But there is a unique remedy that allows less dust to settle.Using this method, you won't have to clean it every day.

Recipe for tender brine cheese with a minimum amount of ingredients

The variety of cheese products on supermarket shelves is amazing. But not everyone can be called ideal in taste and composition. But learning how to make homemade cheese from a minimum amount of ingredients is easy! We invite you to watch the step-by-step

Eggplant recipe for those who don't like them

Purple eggplants can be prepared in an unusual way and even those who don’t like them will like them. The finished version of the snack looks very unusual and tastes like crispy vegetable sticks. They are served as a separate dish

Tender chicken breast cutlets with potatoes. Amazing technology with freezing

If you just make chicken cutlets, they will turn out very dry. There will be little pleasure from such food. But what if you add potatoes to the meat? The result will be a tastier “thing”, but there is another cool secret thanks to which

Why boil oranges? Or how to make amazingly delicious jam

You can preserve the freshness and taste of oranges by preparing thick jam. The dessert prepared according to this recipe has a bright and rich taste. And the consistency allows you to add jam to any baked goods or porridge. The simplicity lies in the fact that for cooking

Bread in the microwave in 7 minutes

This recipe for PP bread will not hurt anyone who, for various reasons, denies themselves the pleasure of eating baked goods made from wheat or rye flour. Rice flour will be involved here, which, by the way, is not

Famous shashlik recipe from the USSR

There are different options for marinating meat for barbecue. There is a lover for everyone. But there is a marinade, originally from the USSR, that everyone likes. It is quite simple to prepare; it does not require exotic ingredients or a lot of time.

The secret to making homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker. The spoon is worth

Making delicious and thick yogurt is very easy. You only need three components and a few hours of time. The result will definitely please you, because the fermented milk product prepared according to this recipe can be served immediately. And if you put

Homemade sausage in a PET bottle, a delicious recipe at minimal cost

It's easy to make homemade sausage without much effort. This requires a few basic ingredients and a little time. The process is simple, even a novice housewife can handle it. The finished product can be cut into slices and placed on bread. Can i

Cheese from one ingredient - taste, benefits and saving the family budget

The cost of store-bought, real cream cheese reaches several hundred rubles. At the same time, the composition may contain unknown ingredients of questionable quality. If you have ever wondered about making cheese at home,

Budget recipe for making delicious homemade cheese

You can make cream cheese in different flavors at home. To do this, you do not need to take courses or read special literature. It is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients and apply the technology. We will talk about it in the article. Cheese,

An incredible recipe for making Uzbek flatbread on the stove without a tandoor or oven

This recipe is unique in that a tandoor or even an oven is not used to prepare the most delicious Uzbek flatbread. Baking is carried out in a large cauldron-type dish, or in a large aluminum pan with a concave lid. All actions

How to cook cheese and potato scone in a frying pan. No oven, yeast or eggs

It’s easy to diversify your diet and add something new to the menu. To do this, it is not necessary to take culinary courses and receive training from high-end chefs. You can combine several well-known products in one dish. And fry without difficulty,

How to store chicken without refrigeration for a year. Stew without autoclave

Chicken is one of the common types of meat that housewives use to prepare various dishes. Poultry makes excellent soups, roasts, pies, cutlets, salads and snacks. There is another way to cook chicken meat, which can be

How to salt herring extremely tasty: 3 methods of dry salting

How to deliciously pickle herring? Many housewives ask this question. There are many ways to salt herring, but mostly these are brine methods. They are usually labor-intensive, require additional containers, water and a lot of space. I suggest adding salt

A quick anti-crisis dessert for tea. All you need is flour and some other little things

Many housewives do not like long cooking times. But in order to pamper your family with something tasty, you don’t have to stand at the stove for hours. You can make a quick, airy dough and fry thin, sweet sticks. Dessert is perfect as a

How to properly fry large crucian carp in a frying pan

Fried crucian carp in a frying pan is an appetizing and satisfying dish with a golden crispy crust, which is suitable for everyday and festive feasts. It is a pleasure to cook such fish, the main thing is that it is fresh, without the smell of mud and

New recipe for layered French fries

Crispy, golden fries are popular in many countries. This snack is often consumed while watching a movie or favorite TV series. There are a large number of recipes for preparing vegetables in this form. One of them is multi-layered crispy

How to deliciously salt fish: Spicy salted anchovy

Do you like to pamper yourself and your loved ones with salted fish? Home-cooked fish is always better than store-bought fish. Today we will salt anchovy, but not simply, but with spices. Blackback is small, but fatty - with its own specific taste

Brisket baked in foil - softness and tenderness of the pork layer

Baked pork belly attracts with its texture - alternating layers of fat and meat with varying softness. Baking minimizes the amount of salt used, resulting in healthier food. Garlic will lose its flavor in the oven.

Pork belly boiled in onion skins - appetizing look, delicate taste

An ordinary boiled brisket will be perceived as a delicacy if you follow a few rules: a piece of pork is cooked at a low simmer in a fairly salty broth, surrounded by onion skins and spices. Thoroughly cooled brisket