Budget recipe for making delicious homemade cheese

You can make delicious cream cheese with different flavors at home. To do this, you do not need to take courses or read special literature. It is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients and apply the technology. Cheese cooked according to the recipe has the same taste as the product from the store. It is good as a stand-alone snack or as an addition to toast.


  • 150 gr. natural butter 82.5%;
  • 2 kg. fresh cottage cheese;
  • 2 liters of cow's milk;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 15 gr. soda

for additives:

  • several pieces of olives;
  • half tsp provencal mixture;
  • 1 tbsp. chopped parsley;
  • 1 tsp dry pepper;
  • 1 tsp mushroom powder;
  • half tsp fenugreek seeds;
  • half tsp turmeric.

for “semi-melted” cheese:

  • 400 gr. fresh cottage cheese;
  • 40 gr. natural butter 82.5%;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 15 gr. soda


  • cheese molds or containers.

We prepare cream cheese from natural ingredients:

From this volume of ingredients you will get 1.5 kg. cheese.Depending on the spices you add to the cheese, you will get a snack with different flavors.

Take the largest saucepan you can find in the house. Place cottage cheese in it and pour in milk. Stir and place the pan on low heat.

Boil the contents until the curd becomes viscous. It’s easy to check: take some of the cottage cheese from the pan and stretch it in your hands. If you notice that it is stretching, you can remove it from the stove.

Without waiting for it to cool, strain the milk and cottage cheese through a colander or cheesecloth. We need a dense, curdled part. But don't throw away the whey. It can be added to the dough for pancakes, pancakes or pies.

Melt the butter until liquid, then add to the cottage cheese. Salt and add soda. Grind the contents until smooth in a blender bowl. Divide the resulting mass into 6 equal parts. For accuracy, it is better to use a kitchen scale.

Transfer the first part of the cottage cheese into a glass container and place in the microwave for 2.5 minutes. Our task is to melt the cottage cheese. Periodically remove the plate and stir the mixture to make it more homogeneous.

Place the hot cheese into a container or special mold. The result is a classic cheese with a creamy taste without additives.

To prepare the remaining five heads of cheese, do the same thing - melt the cottage cheese in the microwave. To make cheese with spices, add them to the cheese mixture after melting the cottage cheese.

Second option: chop the parsley, add to the cheese, stir and transfer to the mold.

Third option: Add paprika to the cheese mixture, mix and also place in the mold.

Fourth option: Remove the pits from the olives and finely chop the fruit.Add olives and herbes de Provence to the cheese, stir and transfer it to the mold.

Fifth option: Grind the dried porcini mushrooms in a coffee grinder, add to the cheese mixture and stir until smooth. Place the cheese in the mold.

Sixth option: Cover the fenugreek seeds with water, leave for a few minutes, then strain. Add fenugreek seeds and turmeric to the processed cheese, stir and also place in the mold.

Place the molds filled with cheese in the refrigerator until set, 3 hours. Remove the finished product from the molds, cut into pieces and serve.

To prepare “semi-melted” cheese, mix cottage cheese, eggs, butter, soda and salt in a cup. Grind the ingredients in a blender until smooth, then heat in the microwave for 2.5 minutes.

Place the cheese in a mold and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours. It turns out cream cheese without additives.

Prepare cheese according to these recipes and enjoy a truly delicious snack. Watch a detailed video on how to make cream cheese.

Watch the video

Another cool recipe: Homemade cheese from 3 ingredients. Half a day and the head of cheese is ready - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/8441-domashnij-syr-iz-3-ingredientov-pol-dnja-i-golovka-syra-gotova.html
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