Cheese chips in the oven

Cheese chips are a great alternative to store-bought ones. Preparing them couldn’t be easier, the main thing is to choose the right type of cheese. It should not melt or spread much. It only takes a minute to grate the cheese and place it on a baking sheet. Next, a couple of minutes of baking, and you can already try delicious, crispy, aromatic cheese chips in the oven. They are eaten even faster than they are cooked, which must be taken into account when calculating their quantity and making several servings at once.
Cheese chips in the oven


  • Cheese 150 g.

How to prepare chips

Cheese chips are best made from hard cheeses such as Parmesan, Masdam, Emmental. Grate it on the finest grater. These cheeses generally have a distinct flavor, so no additional salt or seasoning is required.
Cheese chips in the oven

Line a baking sheet with a mat or quality baking paper. No need to lubricate. Place cheese shavings in a thin layer in the shape of small circles. If you add too much, the chips won't be crispy.
Cheese chips in the oven

Place in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and cook for 3-4 minutes. All you need to do is melt the cheese. Cheese chips should not change color much, otherwise it will affect the taste.You need to watch closely, they can burn in a matter of seconds. If everything was done correctly and high-quality cheese was used, the chips will harden instantly and will separate from the non-stick mat without any problems.
Cheese chips in the oven

You can serve cheese chips in the oven either immediately or after some time. In addition, offer tomato or any other sauce.
Cheese chips in the oven

Cheese chips in the oven

Cheese chips in the oven
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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