Do you like fresh herbs? Here are 7 herbs you can grow on your windowsill.

Do you dream of at least a small herb garden? Better yet, can you have fresh greens all year round? No problem! And although some herb plants do not survive winter very well due to lack of sunlight, some can still be grown in the kitchen or balcony all year round. Here are 7 green plants that are good for health, excellent to eat, and suitable for making compresses, ointments and medicinal drinks.

1. Rosemary

What this aromatic plant does not tolerate is shade. On the other hand, rosemary prefers the warmth of home, a well-lit windowsill, permeable sandy soil and regular watering. You will be rewarded for your care with a high content of vitamins and minerals, in addition, rosemary will strengthen your memory and immunity.

2. Melissa

Melissa requires moist soil (be careful, it should not be waterlogged!) and ideally partial shade. The plant is rich in beneficial substances such as minerals, antioxidants, essential oils and tannins. In the old days it was believed that lemon balm restored youth and strengthened the spirit and body.It's also great as a tea for insomnia or to balance blood sugar, and the aroma is simply magical.

3. Basil

Its characteristic taste goes well with almost any salad and even baked goods. Basil does not tolerate drought and lack of sunlight, so provide it with regular watering and, if possible, additional lighting. The leaves of the plant contain vitamins A and K, they also have antioxidant and antiviral properties.

4. Peppermint

A plant that is sure to be found in every garden. It is perfect for making a mojito, aromatic tea or a cool drink with lemon. Water mint regularly and then you can use the rich harvest of leaves not only in the kitchen, but also as a useful medicine. Peppermint tea relieves nausea, acts against viruses and heals the respiratory tract.

5. Thyme

Thyme is a relatively demanding plant, so grow it on a south-facing windowsill with good light and in soil that is rich in nutrients. This herb has a strong aroma and flavor, so try making spaghetti with rosemary and thyme or roast pork with thyme.

6. Coriander

Coriander is not one of the favorite herbs of Russian gardeners and this is a big mistake. After all, this is one of the few plants that can rid the body of heavy metals such as toxic mercury. Coriander loves the sun and heat, thanks to which it spreads an interesting aroma in the air. Grow it separately in a pot and make eggplant curry with fresh coriander or a carrot detox drink.

7. Marjoram

Marjoram comes from the Mediterranean and came to us in the 16th century.Previously, it was used as an air freshener, but now it will be appreciated by anyone who has a toothache (you need to chew fresh leaves), a cold, or is worried about rheumatic problems. Has anti-inflammatory and calming effects. This is a heat-loving grass that needs sun and well-permeable soil.

How to grow herbs in pots?

Regularly care for your herbs by watering them with settled or rainwater. Avoid chemical fertilizers and peat! Many manufacturers also recommend an herbal extract or so-called worm tea, which is prepared in home composters.

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