How to make a mini thermal power plant for a fire. Lighting and charging gadgets far from civilization

The article discusses a method for generating electricity using burned fuel and water. “We know, we know,” the power engineers will say. “This is how we generate electricity at our thermal power plants: fire heats water, steam rotates the generator shaft...” “No!” – we will indignantly reject the old grandfather’s way. New technologies make it possible to eliminate the need for generators. To generate electricity we will use Seebeck elements. Did not hear? Then, don’t get distracted and pay attention.

A drop of history

The Seebeck effect was discovered more than two hundred years ago in 1821. You will not be mistaken if you assume that Seebeck was its discoverer. The phenomenon is named after the researcher. The result is the opposite of the Peltier effect, which has already been discussed article on the site. In simple terms, when one side of the Seebeck element is heated and the other is cooled, an emf is induced at the terminals. And now this will be experimentally tested.

We generate electricity from wood and water

Cut a steel plate of decent thickness.

Received, ordered in the online store, Seebeck elements TEP-142-T300. They are placed on an aluminum radiator, the surface of which is previously carefully sanded for better contact.

To fasten the plate to the radiator, you need to drill holes and tap them.

Thermal paste was used when installing the parts.

A total of 6 thermoelements are installed, connected in series. All connections are made with wires with heat-resistant insulation. The battery output is connected 5 volt buck converter.

Firewood will be used as fuel. To burn them, a special stainless steel stove is made, which is installed on one side of the radiator with Seebeck elements.

The other side of the radiator is lowered into a cuvette with water for cooling.

Electronic thermometers are used to control heating and cooling temperatures. Perhaps that's all. The test begins.

Result of mini-CHP operation

The fire in the furnace flared up, and the assembled structure began to generate electricity. Various devices were connected as consumers. A 10-watt LED flashlight works great. Tested in all modes. There are no problems with a less powerful mp3 player either. And when a low-power amplifier with a speaker was connected to it, the sound was loud enough and did not interrupt. During testing, the cell phone was charged from 50 to 100% charge.

Before the stabilizer, the voltage on the device was 8 Volts under load, 15.4 Volts without load.

It should be taken into account that Seebeck elements designed for a maximum temperature of 300 degrees Celsius. But it is better not to exceed the value of 220 degrees, at peaks 260 degrees Celsius. It is prohibited to use parts without cooling.

The design is quite functional and is able to power low-power electronic gadgets.

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Comments (2)
  1. Sanya
    #1 Sanya Guests 11 July 2023 17:56
    All this is interesting and instructive, but it’s unlikely that anyone will bother making this design, buying elements, making a stove, it will definitely cost at least 5,000 rubles, it’s easier to use a power bank, unless you’re out in nature for a few months....... ... .
  2. Chiatel
    #2 Chiatel Guests 18 July 2023 12:24
    How the experiment goes, in practice there are many problems, it’s simpler to use a steam turbine from a tin can and a motor