How to melt aluminum cans into ingots at home

Smelting aluminum on an industrial scale is a very energy-intensive process. Aluminum smelters consume enormous amounts of electricity. Therefore, they are located near large power plants. But these energy costs are associated with the smelting of aluminum from alumina - bauxite ore. It is possible to melt down aluminum scrap such as beer cans in completely artisanal conditions. Without the use of special furnaces and energy consumption. How? Read on.

We melt aluminum at home

First of all, we need a container in which we will melt this very aluminum. The so-called crucible. It's not difficult to make it yourself. A piece of suitable pipe is enough. The excess is sawed off with a grinder. A long handle is welded and a spout is formed with hammer blows to drain the melt. All edges are processed with a file.

As children, we all melted lead in old tin cans over a fire. But aluminum is not lead; its melting point is higher and is more than 600 degrees Celsius. An ordinary fire will not produce such heat. And you will have to use other fuel, not branches and wood chips.

Coal will be used as fuel for smelting. Stone! Wood will not work. But that's not all.

It is necessary to inflate. And for this we will use a regular household hair dryer. Yes, it's that simple.

Bricks are laid directly on the ground, cleared of leaves. A kind of oven with a grate. There is free space under the grate for additional air to be blown in. We experimentally achieve the optimal design of the furnace. Next - raw materials for remelting.

For melting, we collect ordinary aluminum beverage cans.

We flatten them in such a way that they fit into the crucible. We pour wood chips into an improvised melting furnace and start a fire. When it flares up, add coal and turn on the hair dryer to blow it. The crucible heats up red hot. We begin smelting, periodically adding coal.

And now the first melting has been completed, there is metal! Use a special spoon to remove the slag that has formed on top, and pour the molten aluminum into the prepared mold.

After cooling, remove the neat workpiece. Everything worked out!

Not only old cans, but also other aluminum waste can be used as raw material for remelting.

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Comments (1)
  1. Nikita Kovalenko
    #1 Nikita Kovalenko Visitors 7 September 2022 11:42
    Charcoal is more than suitable, it’s just that the consumption is higher in volume, blowing yes, it’s necessary and better to use a vacuum cleaner or a snail. In such a forge, a grate is not needed, you need a thick-walled steel pipe, diameter 35-70mm, 1.5m, with slots, a grinder, a 2mm disc at an angle, a section from the end of 150-180mm, dig a hole, install a pipe on the bottom at a slope, fill the part of the pipe without slots with earth and tamp it down, now at the other end of the pipe, use a vacuum cleaner, light a fire in the pit from the wood chips, adding a little coal, when the coal starts burning, turn on the vacuum cleaner and melt it, a 5 kg bag of coal is enough for a liter crucible for a barbecue.