
Satin ribbon is an excellent material for making a wide variety of products. Ribbons of various widths and colors are used to make bows, hair decorations, brooches, and are used instead of embroidery threads. I suggest trying to make a flower from a wide pink satin ribbon, which you can use to decorate a photo frame or decorate curtains.

Satin ribbon flower

In order to make such a flower, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
• Wide satin ribbon of bright color
• Sharp scissors
• Fabric clip
• Transparent waterproof adhesive
• Fishing line
• Medium sized pink beads
• A beautiful button
• White bead cutting
• Lighter or candle

First you need to make the flower petals. The tape must be cut into rectangles so that one side is twice as large as the other. In other words, if we take a tape 5 cm wide, then the rectangles should be 5x10 cm in size. The corners of the rectangles are folded down towards the middle.

fold down to the middle

Then we connect the two sides of the workpiece together and fix the bottom edge with a fabric clip. If you don't have a clamp, you can use tweezers.

use tweezers

We cut the bottom edge with sharp scissors and seal the cut with a lighter.The scissors must be sharp, otherwise the workpiece can be hopelessly damaged. You need to prepare 8-10 such petals. The number of petals depends on the width of the tape - the wider the tape we use to make the petals, the more of them will need to be made.

Cut the bottom edge with sharp scissors

When all the petals are ready, you can start collecting the flower. We cut out a circle from a satin ribbon and process its edges with the flame of a candle or lighter. Then we glue all the prepared petals onto this circle. To make the flower beautiful, when gluing we use the clockwise rule, that is, first we glue two petals opposite each other (at 12 and 6 o’clock). Then we evenly distribute the remaining petals between the glued ones.

petals between pasted ones

Let's leave the flower to dry, and for now let's start making additional parts. Take the fishing line and cut it into pieces of 7-10 cm. Leave a few pieces of tape as they are and simply glue them into the middle between the petals. And from three pieces we will make blanks from cutting and beads.

we will make blanks from cuttings and beads

You can secure the top bead using a loop, the edge of which is hidden under the chopping block. The lower edge of the fishing line needs to be melted with a lighter or candle and pressed with your fingers to the outer bead.

Secure the top bead

Glue the prepared blanks into the center of the flower. First, you need to squeeze a large drop of transparent glue into the middle, then insert one piece of blank with beads, and then place the pieces of fishing line in a random order there. Then you need to decorate the core of the flower. To do this, take any beautiful button that you can find in the house, apply a little glue to it and place it in the center.

let's take any beautiful button

This is how we easily made a bright, beautiful flower from a wide satin ribbon. All that remains is to decide what it will decorate.

Satin ribbon flower
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