How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

If you have a lathe, you can turn various mechanical parts and decorative items from aluminum blanks. It is quite possible to prepare the blanks of suitable diameter and length required for this at home by melting down beer and soda cans. Also, such blanks made of pure metal can be used for quick melting during figure casting. The technology for melting cans is easily implemented even without the presence of a full-fledged forge and other special tools.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

Necessary materials:

  • aluminum cans;
  • bricks;
  • firewood and coal;
  • grate;
  • hair dryer or regular hair dryer;
  • any pipe with a slightly larger diameter than the hair dryer diffuser;
  • thick-walled steel pipe or old fire extinguisher;
  • fittings or thin steel tube.

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks with minimal investment

A crucible is made from an old cut fire extinguisher or a thick-walled pipe in which the metal will melt. It is a bowl with a welded handle made of a tube or fittings more than a meter long.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

Using a hammer, you need to form a spout on it to accurately drain the liquid aluminum. The surface of the spout should be smooth, so it will need to be sanded.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

A simple furnace is made from any brick, but preferably fireclay. Laying is done without mortar. The bottom of the forge is made of 3 bricks. After this, along its longitudinal sides, masonry is made on the edge, on which the grate is laid. Next, everything is bricked up.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

A pipe with a hairdryer connected at the other end is inserted from below under the grate of the forge. It needs to be pressed down with brick halves so that the air supplied under the forge can only pass upward.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

Firewood is placed in the forge; as soon as it burns well, coal is added a little at a time. After adding it, the blow dryer turns on. When the coals turn red, a crucible is placed in the forge to heat it up.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

At this time, the jars are prepared. They need to be flattened as much as possible. After heating the crucible, they are thrown into it. As soon as one can melts, more cans must be added until the level of molten metal is sufficient. To make the process go faster, you should cover the forge with a lid. Sheet steel is suitable as a material.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

As you melt, you need to stir the contents, since new cans will fall on the floating slag and will not be able to heat up quickly. Before casting, floating debris is removed from the crucible. It is convenient to do this with a tablespoon tied to a rod.
How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

How to melt aluminum cans into blanks at home

The blanks are cast into cut tin cans of the required diameter and height. Anything from deodorant, shaving cream or canned food will do. The metal must be poured in one gulp without pauses, so that voids do not form in the blanks. After this, the aluminum must cool slowly, so it should not be thrown into water.To remove the blanks, you need to break the mold.

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Comments (1)
  1. Vita
    #1 Vita Guests April 6, 2020 07:18
    Putting Al-ware under the oven unexpectedly got the same effect.