How to grow the strongest seedlings. Feeding versus pulling

Growing strong, healthy seedlings and ensuring an earlier harvest is not at all difficult. The technology described below has been tested for many years. If all conditions are met, the output will always be healthy plants without stretching.


  • cucumber seeds;
  • toilet paper or napkins;
  • turf land;
  • compost;
  • wood ash;
  • river sand;
  • phytosporin;
  • monopotassium phosphate fertilizer;
  • plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml.

We grow seedlings at home:

Line the bottom of the container with lightly moistened napkins. Place the seeds on top, cover with a lid and place in a warm place. The ideal option is a battery where the temperature is constantly kept at the same level, about 28 degrees.

The seeds germinate overnight if they are of high quality. The next morning you can already see a small tail.

Sift the earth through a sieve, add a little sand, ash, compost and stir. The soil will not be heavy, quite loose and moisture-absorbing. Exactly the way cucumbers love it.

Make drainage holes in the bottom of the cups.

To do this, use scissors or a knife. Fill the containers with soil, leaving 2 cm to the top.Make a hole 2 cm deep in the center and use tweezers to place the sprouted seed into it. Pour in settled water with the addition of phytosporin - an additive against rot and disease.

Place the filled glasses in a deep box, previously covered with oilcloth. Keep them covered at + 25 degrees until green shoots appear.

When the first shoots appear, place the container under bicolor lamps for a day. This is necessary to obtain additional light. When leaves appear in all containers, take them out into the sun for a day.

When the air temperature is below + 10, be sure to cover the plants with film to create a greenhouse effect. If it is above +16 outside, then there is no need to cover the box with glasses with anything.

Place a thermometer nearby to monitor the temperature. Ideal for germination – from + 18 to + 28 degrees Celsius. In the evening, bring the shoots into the house and place them under a bicolor lamp for 3-4 hours.

When more than three leaves appear and the roots are visible, add soil, 2-3 tablespoons will be enough. After this, water a little.

After 2 days, add monopotassium phosphate to future cucumbers. Feeding will give strength, and the root system will begin to develop faster. 1 month after sowing, seedlings can be planted on the site.

In this simple way you can grow sprouts on a balcony. Watch a detailed video on sprouting cucumbers.

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