How to make root watering of plants from a PET bottle

One of the keys to a good harvest of any crop is high-quality soil moisture. Without water, the plant develops poorly, so in the absence of frequent rains it must be watered. The most rational is continuous watering in small portions directly at the root. Then the water is consumed by the plant almost completely, and does not spread far beyond its growth, where it evaporates. You can set up such watering with just one PET bottle.

What you will need:

  • PET bottle 1.5 or 2 l;
  • soldering iron;
  • watering can;
  • water.

The process of making a root irrigation system

Water is poured into the bottle up to the neck. Then we turn it over and use a hot soldering iron or a nail heated over a fire to burn a hole in one of the bottom stiffeners. We close and unfold the bottle so that air collects at the burning site, then the instrument will not cool down.

The hole diameter should be approximately 5 mm.

We mark a line on the bottle along which it needs to be buried. The depth depends on where the roots of a particular plant lie.Next, we bury the bottle near the root, turning the hole towards it.

Now, with the bottle cap closed, water will slowly flow out of the hole, maintaining constant soil moisture near the root. When it runs out, use a watering can to fill the bottle and close it again. You need to act quickly, since when the lid is open, water flows out in a stream.

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