How to grow homemade ginger from store-bought ones and forget about store-bought ones for a lot of money

Ginger root has wide uses in medicine and cooking. It is used as an additive to tea and fruit drinks. And in dried form, the root will be an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes. In order to have ginger in your home all the time, you don’t have to buy it in the store and spend a lot of money. The root crop can be grown in your summer cottage.


  • Ginger root;
  • dry branches with leaves.

Growing ginger at home:

Form beds on a designated summer cottage plot. They should be tall and long enough. Make paths between the ridges so that you can easily approach from any side.

Using a sharp knife, cut the store-bought ginger root into several pieces. They should be no larger than an apple.

Place the ginger on the paths between the beds and lightly sprinkle with soil. There is no need to bury the root crop deeply, just dust it. Cover the top of the beds with dry branches and leaves. Immediately water thoroughly.

As the plant grows, water it sparingly. There is no need to flood, but there is no need to bring it to a dry state either.The beds must be periodically weeded to remove weeds and other plants so that they do not take over the power.

When the plant reaches a height of about one meter, remove dead wood from the beds. Add soil to the exposed roots, remove weeds and place dry branches again between the plants. Water the ginger generously.

After 150 days, you can collect the fruits and dig up the ginger root. The plants are not deep in the ground, so use an iron trowel or small trowel to dig.

Wash the roots, remove the top part and enjoy the taste of juicy ginger grown with your own hands.

Watch the video

Watch a detailed video on growing ginger at home.

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