Anti-Covid chicken broth with ginger and garlic

The broth in the recipe below is called “anti-Covid” for more than just a catchy name. It copes with its task perfectly - it activates the immune system, warms, and speeds up the healing process.

Lunch from this soup is ideal for periods of illness and recovery after it. It saturates with energy, but is easily digestible and does not leave a feeling of heaviness. It is important to prepare the broth from the lean parts of the chicken. And if possible, use poultry.


  • chicken breast (skin can be removed immediately to reduce calorie content) – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves (or to taste);
  • ginger root – approximately 2 cm;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.

This amount of ingredients is enough for 3-4 liters of broth. Separately, you can take more black peppercorns, eggs and herbs to decorate and serve the finished dish.

Making delicious soup for immunity

1. All declared products are being prepared. The amount of garlic and ginger can be adjusted to suit your taste.

2. The breast is washed with running water and cooked until it boils. It is important to drain all the liquid from it with foam. And then add fresh water and send it to cook again.For homemade chicken, such preparation is not needed; it can be immediately cooked as the basis for a future soup.

3. Peel onions and carrots.

4. Vegetables are cut into 2 parts.

5. Halves of onions and carrots are sent to a dry, heated frying pan and cooked until noticeably scorched. This is one of the secrets of a beautiful, tasty broth. Vegetables seared in this way without excess fat give the dish an attractive color and a special aroma. The color of the broth becomes similar to that made from poultry.

6. Garlic and ginger are peeled.

7. Vegetables are scorched on both sides.

8. Onions and carrots go into the pan with the chicken breast.

9. Immediately add garlic and ginger to the base of the soup.

10. The broth is cooked for about 50 minutes. The exact time will depend on the size of the breast. It is important that the bird has time to cook inside and give a good fat.

The finished broth can be decorated in any way you like. A boiled chicken or quail egg will add nutritional value. And for vitamins - any fresh chopped greens.

If the patient does not yet have an appetite or has little strength to chew large pieces of meat, you can pour the broth into a cup for him, adding a crumbled egg. Or separately blend the boiled chicken and serve it as a light puree soup.

Instead of bread, it’s delicious to complement the “anti-Covid” broth with white or black crackers. You can first rub them with garlic.

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