How to grow 5 colorful flowers on one bush. The neighbors will be jealous

When looking at flowers and flowering shrubs, plants with colorful buds always evoke the greatest admiration. Flowers of different colors on one stem are obtained by grafting several varieties. Let's consider this technology using the example of bare bougainvillea.

Such a chic and natural bouquet will not go unnoticed and will definitely attract the attention of your neighbors in the area.

What you will need:

  • Bougainvillea naked of different varieties;
  • stationery knife with a new blade;
  • grafting tape.

The process of grafting one bush with multi-colored flowers

For grafting, we select a healthy, strong bush, and cut off the tops of its branches with buds. In this case, the work is carried out with bare bougainvillea. This is a plant in which leaves and flowers appear only at the tips, so there are no growing points at the bottom, which makes grafting much easier. There should be no native buds on the rootstock, since the plant will waste energy on them and the scions will not take root.

Next, we take a scion of a different variety with two buds. Its lower tip should extend two fingers from the first bud.This part must be cut off with a clean, sharp knife on both sides at an angle.

The kidney is located laterally relative to the sections. Now we split the rootstock branch lengthwise and insert the sharpened scion into the cleft.

After this, we wrap the knot with the usual tape.

Thus, you need to graft on all the tips of the rootstock. For this, scions of varieties with different colors are used.

When the vaccinations take root, you will need to cut the tape and remove it. Do not leave the winding on for a long time. In the case of bougainvillea, this can be done after 20 days.

Now all that remains is to water and feed the plant with liquid fertilizers, waiting for it to bloom. In subsequent years, when performing sanitary pruning, keep in mind that it is done only above the grafting nodes. Otherwise, you can remove the growing points with transplanted flowers.

Be sure to read: How to germinate seeds for seedlings in 24 hours -

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