How to graft an apple tree on a thick scion in spring

Many people already have a fairly large apple tree in their garden, which turned out to be barren or its fruits are tasteless. But don't rush to uproot it. You can graft branches from good varieties onto it. A grafted tree will begin to produce crops very quickly, so grafting is always preferable to planting new seedlings.

What you will need:

  • Garden saw;
  • “living bark” type balm;
  • grafting knife"
  • insulating tape"
  • plasticine"
  • plastic bags.

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Apple tree grafting process

At the end of March, the old apple tree needs to be cut down with a garden saw. It is better to use it, as it leaves a clean cut. We leave a stump from the tree 50-100 cm high.

Immediately cover the cut with a “living bark” type balm. We must remove the growth points below the cut, since if they remain, the graft will not take root.

Next, we take a scion cutting for 3-4 buds. We cut it diagonally from the bottom.

Then we cut the remaining bark in a circle to the green cambium, as in the photo.

The edge of the rootstock needs to be trimmed.

Next, cut it lengthwise with a knife.The length of the cut should correspond to the oblique cut on the scion. We don’t pull out the blade, but start using it to break the bark.

Then, at the level of the rootstock cambium, we drive the blade from above to separate the bark. We insert the scion into this crevice.

Thus, we make 3-4 vaccinations around the circumference of the scion. If the stump is large, then more is possible. Then we wrap everything tightly with electrical tape.

The top of the graft is covered with plasticine.

After this, we put on a plastic bag so that the cuttings do not dry out.

A month later, when the leaves come out and the frosts have passed, the bags can be removed.

Grafting with a drill, a method that always works -

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