3 homemade PVC pipes for your workshop

The remaining sections of plastic sewer pipes after repair can be used to make various devices. This is a convenient and easy-to-process material that is not afraid of moisture. Therefore, if you have scraps, you can use them to make tool stands, jigs and many other useful devices.

1. Working stand for drill

If you often drill similar workpieces with a hand drill or screwdriver, then this stand will come in handy. We take a piece of sewer pipe 20 cm long and cut it lengthwise.

A 50 mm hole is drilled in the center of the workpiece.

A 50 mm pipe section with a socket is inserted into it. The drill chuck fits well into the latter.

Now with this stand, your instrument will always be in the handle-up position so that it can be quickly picked up.

2. Wall mount for drill

To make a permanent mount for storing a drill or screwdriver, simply screw two 50mm sewer pipe clips to the wall. Next, we fix a piece of tube with a socket in them, and place the drill in the holder.

3. Jig saw for cutting plastic pipes

To make a conductor, you will need a section of sewer pipe sawn lengthwise.

The half is heated and flattened into a plate under the press.

The outlines of the jigsaw sole are marked on it. From this plate a box is bent, capable of snapping onto the sole. After bending, the nozzle is sawed lengthwise under a file.

Next, you will need a piece of pipe with a diameter of 110, 150 or 200 mm. You need the diameter that will have to be trimmed in the future. The segment is cut lengthwise. On one of the halves, a U-shaped contour is drawn across, along which cuts need to be made.

Then the inner plastic heats up and bends outward.

The box is glued to the resulting platform and additionally secured with screws or rivets. After this, we transfer the cut from the box to the half ring.

Now with the help of this jig you can saw the pipe in a circle, getting an even end. To do this, you first need to drill it in order to insert the nail file.

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No electricity needed! A simple gas soldering iron for welding polypropylene pipes - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/5723-jelektrichestvo-ne-nuzhno-prostoj-gazovyj-pajalnik-dlja-svarki-polipropilenovyh-trub.html
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