Mass propagation of roses in sand in the easiest way

After pruning rose bushes, there are many branches left from which new plants can be made. There are a lot of secrets for processing such cuttings to increase their rooting, but their use requires additional time. You can obtain any number of viable seedlings using a simpler method.

What you will need:

  • rose branches after pruning;
  • pruner -
  • knife;
  • box;
  • sand.

The process of rooting rose cuttings

The branches remaining after pruning the bushes need to be cut into cuttings. Each should have 3 knots.

Then we cut the blanks at the bottom diagonally using a clean, sharp knife.

Now we are preparing a box for planting cuttings.

It must have a drainage hole to drain water.

Sand is poured into the box. Then we stick the cuttings into it in increments of 4-5 cm.

After planting, the sand is well watered. The box is left in a sunny place, but not in direct sunlight. Watering should be done daily.

Within a month, most of the cuttings will take root and produce roots and leaves.

After rooting, the seedlings can be easily removed from the sand without damaging the roots and planted.

That is, this method allows you to obtain dozens, or even hundreds of new plants with virtually no fuss. The emphasis is on quantity, so you just need to stick cuttings into the sand with a reserve. In this case, no growth stimulants are needed, sealing the cut with wax, trimming leaves, or other tricks that take up your time.

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