A simplified method for germinating a large number of cuttings in a bottle

Propagation of plants by cuttings usually involves the use of a large number of pots, which take up a correspondingly large amount of space. However, you can get dozens of seedlings much easier by planting them horizontally in bottles. Let's take a closer look at this method.

What you will need:

  • PET bottles;
  • knife;
  • soldering iron

Bottle cutting process

This method involves planting 16 seedlings at once in one bottle. To do this, cross-shaped cuts in 4 rows are made using a knife.

You also need to cut off the top of the bottle cap.

Now the remaining cap is unscrewed a little to place the neck of another bottle on top. As a result, we get a convenient funnel for filling the soil.

Next, the cuttings, previously trimmed and soaked in water, are planted in the slots.

After this, drainage holes are burned in the bottom of the bottle with a soldering iron.

To water the seedlings, you will need to glue two whole bottle caps and make a small hole in them.

Then the water poured through the funnel will be able to slowly saturate the soil without washing it away.Thus, we get a dense planting of cuttings, which are also very easy to care for until they sprout roots.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Mikhail
    #1 Guest Mikhail Guests April 23, 2022 00:05
    How to get it out when the roots appear?