6 concrete options for all kinds of coatings in the courtyard or country house

The possibilities of deactivated or decorative concrete make it possible to harmonize a personal plot with house construction and other buildings. With its help, garden paths, terraces, entrances to garages, pool decks, parking lots, etc. are made. Any adult familiar with the construction business can cope with such work.

Will need


  • white pebbles (pellets);
  • black beach pebbles;
  • crushed marble pebbles;
  • river pebbles;
  • sheet of plastic or plywood;
  • polyethylene film;
  • wooden bars;
  • concrete deactivator.

Tools: clamps, containers for water and mixing, mixer for mixing concrete, trowel, grout, pump sprayer, water supply source under pressure of 15 MPa, etc.

The process of obtaining deactivated concrete with different fillers

Place a sheet of plastic or plywood on a flat horizontal surface. Cover it with plastic wrap. Using wooden blocks and clamps, we assemble forms for pouring concrete.

We mix the cement with water in a container and, using a construction mixer, obtain a solution in the required quantity and consistency. If necessary, add water or cement to adjust these indicators.

Divide the resulting solution equally into four smaller containers. In each of them we fill only one type of pebbles as a filler: white (pellets), black beach, crushed marble and river.

Alternately pour the contents of the four containers into a large container and mix thoroughly using a mixer. Pour each of the four batches with different fillings into the prepared molds. Carefully smooth the surfaces of the molds until the liquid phase reaches the surface and the pebbles are lowered down.

Outside the molds, we simply lay out a concrete mass filled with a mixture of white and black pebbles, as well as crushed and river pebbles, on plastic film.

Fill the pump sprayer with the required volume of concrete deactivator, create the required pressure and cover the concrete surfaces with it. We leave everything for 24 hours so that the bulk of the concrete sets, with the exception of the top layer, since the deactivator, chemically reacting with the concrete that has not yet set, does not allow the top layer of cement to harden.

Now, using a water jet under a pressure of 15 MPa, we wash away the unhardened surface layer of concrete and expose the filler.

All that remains is to disassemble the form, remove the film and evaluate the strength and decorative advantages of one or another version of deactivated concrete.

Watch the video

How to make a mold and produce large-format concrete tiles quickly and efficiently - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/8047-kak-sdelat-formu-i-izgotovit-betonnuju-krupnoformatnuju-plitku-bystro-i-kachestvenno.html
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