We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

Everyone, without exception, loves this truly delicious dessert. Today we will make homemade ice cream from what can be found in almost every kitchen. Any of the ingredients presented can be excluded, replaced or supplemented with others; there are no strict rules.

We needed

Take 2 medium bananas, 50 grams of frozen berries, 100 grams of sugar, the remaining chocolate slices (I have 4 pieces) and a glass of yogurt, kefir, cream or something milky.
We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

Making simple ice cream

Place the chocolate in a bowl, cut the banana into slices, and place in a saucepan.
We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

Pour yogurt over the entire resulting mass, add berries and place in a blender. Grind for a couple of minutes.
We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

Lightly grease the mold with vegetable oil so that the ice cream does not stick and can be easily removed later.
We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

Fill the form with our delicious mixture and place it in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

We spread the resulting delicious and beautiful ice cream and eat.
We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

We prepare simple natural ice cream from what we have.

Delicious! Be sure to save the recipe and try it! You and your kids will definitely be delighted.
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