A method of growing tomatoes from seeds in hanging PET bottles. Suitable even for apartments and balconies

The summer cottages of many gardeners near large cities cannot boast of a large area. Then, in order to grow your own crops, you have to contrive, planting plants as densely as possible. We offer a way to grow tomatoes with minimal loss of space, and quickly bring them to ripeness.

What you will need:

  • Fresh tomato;
  • priming;
  • disposable food containers;
  • pots for seedlings;
  • PET bottles 5-6 l;
  • PET bottles 1 l;
  • stretch film.

The process of growing tomatoes in vertical beds

In spring, instead of buying tomato seeds, you can buy a fresh tomato. This way, it is guaranteed to be possible to obtain seed of an early variety, which is distinguished by its yield. In order not to bother, you can cut it into rings.

Then these circles are planted in the ground. You can use disposable food containers with hand-made drainage holes for germination.

The soil is watered and the containers are covered for several days until shoots appear.After this, we grow the seedlings to a convenient size for picking.

Approximately 2 weeks after planting, you can pick. The seedlings are carefully pulled out and planted in pots made from the bottom of PET bottles. After this, the plants only need light and regular watering.

When the seedlings are strong enough, you need to prepare new large pots for them. To do this, take PET bottles and cut off the bottom.

Holes are burned on the walls on its side for hanging.

You also need to prepare a fertilizer basket for each pot by perforating small 0.5-1 liter bottles.

Each plant is removed from the old pot and its stem is wrapped in film. This will allow you to thread the stem, without damaging it, into the neck of the new pot. Then the film is removed.

The pot is turned upside down with the tomato facing down. A perforated bottle is placed in its center, and the space around it is filled with fresh fertile soil.

After this, the pot is suspended. After 3 days, the plants will get stronger and the leaves will turn upside down.

Then you can take care of feeding them. To do this, a chopped mass is prepared from the peelings and placed in perforated bottles. Then they are covered with film and rubber band. This compost will be able to feed the tomatoes as it decomposes.

In the future, you just need to tie up the plants, water them in a timely manner and remove the shoots.

This method is suitable not only for summer residents, but also for owners of apartments with well-lit balconies.

Watch the video

Growing tomatoes using the I.M. method Maslova gives unsurpassed results - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/7459-vyraschivanie-tomatov-metodom-im-maslova.html
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