How to start a fire using a tin can

There are dozens of ways to make fire using improvised means, most of which require a lot of time, effort and concentration. You can even start a fire using a slightly modified empty tin can. Once completed, it turns into an effective solar lighter.

What you will need:

  • Empty tin can;
  • spoon.

The process of making a solar lighter from a tin can

If the jar is whole, then it needs to be emptied by transferring the contents to another container. You can open a tin can without the same opener, using the same pressure in a circle.

Any tin can with the bottom untouched by rust on the outside is suitable for lighting a fire. It is necessary to issue a concave mirror from it to concentrate the light beam. This is done with the flat of a spoon. At the bottom of the can there are stiffening ribs arranged in circles. You need to place the flat of the spoon first on a small circle, and press it with your thumb to smooth it.

When smoothing, the can rotates. You should work evenly, without pressing too hard. Then the transition is made to the next edges. It is important not to rush and squeeze out little by little so that dents do not form on the tin.

Having formed a mirror at the bottom of the jar, it is necessary to peel off the protective varnish from its surface. It is scraped off with the edge of a spoon. You need to move from the edge to the center and vice versa.

Polishing the mirror is done with a dry leaf or grass. After working with one sheet a little, you need to change it for a fresh one. So in literally 3 minutes you can make the surface mirror-like.

To light a fire, it is optimal to use a piece of chaga (a dry wood mushroom from a birch tree trunk).

It is clamped with a stalk of dry grass folded in half. The concave mirror is directed towards the sun, and the tinder is located in front at the point of concentration of the light beam.

When the chaga ignites, it should be placed in a bunch of dry grass and fanned. It will smolder immediately, but as it is blown, the blades of grass adjacent to it will ignite and produce a steady fire.

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