How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

How to check the accuracy of a multimeter at home

Let's start with what to check multimeter at home without special equipment it is simply impossible. But as always, the great and mighty AliExpress comes to the rescue. On it you can order for not very much money (about 400-500 rubles) a high-precision reference voltage source (hereinafter referred to as VTION) AD584 -
This is not just another trinket, but a calibrated device that provides accuracy to the 5th decimal place. This accuracy is only available from a measuring instrument certification center.

Why is VTION a good addition to any home workshop?

This device produces 4 precise voltages: 2.5 V; 5 V; 7.5 V; 10 V.
How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

It can operate either from a built-in battery or from an external source of 5-30 V.
How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

Using it, you can not only check any measuring device, be it multimeter, oscilloscope or other, but also calibrate it.
For those who make their own digital or electronic voltmeters, this purchase will be extremely useful.
Also, ARDUINO enthusiasts often have to calibrate the built-in voltmeters for their projects; this will also be useful, after all.

How to work with VTION?

Everything is simple here. We connect the device being tested or calibrated to the output terminals. We supply power to VTION. Use the button to select the desired output voltage.
How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

We observe the readings. Each VTION comes with a specification with precise measurements up to the 5th digit.
How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

And if you have a very high-precision voltmeter, then you may need it. It indicates the temperature at which the measurement must be made in order for the readings to be as accurate as possible.
How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

Thanks to this small device you can check the accuracy of all multimeters and testers at home.
How to check the accuracy of a multimeter and why electronics at home need an AD584 reference voltage source

You can also find cheaper options for the AD584 on AliExpress -

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Comments (3)
  1. Guest Yuri
    #1 Guest Yuri Guests 13 February 2021 19:51
    Such devices must have a certificate and undergo state verification. And what the Chinese write there does not inspire confidence. Moreover, the author of this nonsense is American.
    1. Well
      #2 Well Guests 13 February 2021 20:52
      Why a certificate??? Are you going to check and issue certificates to others? For the home user more than...
    2. Rock
      #3 Rock Guests 13 February 2021 21:24
      The same American checked the readings on a high-precision, certified voltmeter and everything coincided... and you, as usual, in general... just to screw up