Life hack: “Shine” cleaning product will clean even the oldest kettle

Life hack cleaning product Shine for ovens and gas stoves will clean even the oldest kettle

Many housewives sighed heavily as they scrubbed with metal sponges and poured in super-fashionable, expensive products from advertising that promised to make your stove and oven sparkle clean without much effort.
Perhaps they shine, but to get this result you have to put in a lot of effort and time, rub somewhere, re-fill somewhere with the not very cheap “Anti-grease” product.
Every housewife has her own secrets of cleanliness in her arsenal, and I will share mine with you!
Several years ago, at the counter of a hardware store, I bought the cheapest product on the shelf. It was a product called "Shine" for stoves and ovens. Not really counting on its effectiveness, after using it I was pleasantly surprised by the result, and my old stove in the apartment was sparkling clean.
Radiance Cleanser

Over the years, I have remained faithful to “Shine” and recommend it to acquaintances and friends who, like me, become devoted fans of this product.

Why did I choose this particular product?

Firstly, the price.

There is a certain nuance here: you need to know where to buy! On well-known marketplaces, for example, the price is several times higher. I buy it for about 150 rubles at a regular hardware store. Although, when I first purchased it, its price was no more than 40 rubles.

Secondly, the method of application.

The product is sprayed from a can, forming a dense white foam that increases in volume. Due to this, the foam penetrates into hard-to-reach places. It is very comfortable! The product distributes itself over the surface.
The product is sprayed from a can, forming a dense, thick foam.

Thirdly, the action of the remedy.

And, this is the best part! After spraying, there is no need to rub anything! You just need to leave the product on the contaminated surface and go watch your favorite movie, study with your children, chat on the phone with a friend, or do other household chores. "Shine" will do everything for you!
No need to rub anything after spraying

All you have to do is wait until the foam (and with it the dirt) comes off and, wiping with a sponge, wash the product off the surface!
“Shine” is ideal for enameled surfaces and glass ceramics; it easily cleans heavily soiled kettles and pots. For clarity, I suggest you view a photo review of cleaning a well-worn stainless steel kettle - it’s better to see how the foam comes off.
when the foam disappears, wipe with a sponge and rinse off the product from the surface

Despite all the effectiveness of the product, it is unlikely to be suitable for allergy sufferers, because even the fragrances used in the product do not remove the smell of chemicals. Yes, and you need to work with it with gloves, since if it comes into contact with unprotected hands, the product corrodes the skin.
Clean kettle without carbon deposits

However, if you want to remove dirt without much effort, Shine for stoves and ovens is what you need!
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Comments (6)
  1. Ivan
    #1 Ivan Guests February 2, 2021 09:29
    There is no need to advertise on this site, that is not what it is intended for.
    1. Well
      #2 Well Guests February 2, 2021 10:47
      This is not an advertisement! it doesn't cost that much to advertise. Shared advice with you
      1. guest
        #3 guest Guests 2 February 2021 18:44
        Advertising for sure.
        1. Dimon
          #4 Dimon Guests 3 February 2021 10:16

          And read the reviews of housewives peeing with joy below
          1. Valka
            #5 Valka Guests February 3, 2021 10:23
            149 rubles in our store
  2. Guest Yuri
    #6 Guest Yuri Guests 3 February 2021 14:44
    How much does “Mole” (powder) cost? Judging by the composition, the main active ingredient in “Shine” is sodium hydroxide. The “mole” consists precisely of this sodium hydroxide - sometimes entirely, sometimes in a mixture with sodium chloride (table salt). Kettles like the one shown in the photo clean with a whistle.