Life hack: washing with laundry liquid soap is an excellent alternative to washing powders

During pregnancy, I couldn’t stand the smell of washing powders to such an extent that I had to give out huge supplies of all the detergents I had to my friends. And, as always, I bought in huge quantities and at discounts.

I looked for a long time for options that would replace washing powders, but I couldn’t find anything. One day I decided to try liquid laundry soap.

How does liquid laundry soap work when washing?

  • Laundry soap has been held in high esteem since ancient times. It removes everything, even the most difficult stains.
  • For quick hand washing, I use a bar of laundry soap.
  • But for machine washing you need liquid soap.

I tried to grate a bar of laundry soap and use it in the washing machine as a powder. Did not work. The bars of soap did not have time to soak in the water, especially if the wash was set to “fast” mode.

Benefits of liquid laundry soap

The clothes smell fresh after washing.No that disgusting chemical smell. Even the most difficult stains are removed. The main thing is to choose the right washing mode that will suit a particular fabric. Washing clothes is much cheaper.

I use it myself and recommend it to everyone!

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Comments (1)
  1. Master SMA
    #1 Master SMA Guests October 3, 2021 01:22
    A foam absorber is added to washing powder for automatic machines. Many machines give an error message when excess foam appears! Maybe, like the cheapest machine, it washes with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, but other machines DO NOT!!!