A simple device for quickly laying blocks

Most self-builders choose aerated concrete or other large blocks for their own masonry. Working with them is much faster than with ordinary bricks. But the process can be accelerated even further by assembling the following device. With its help, you can evenly apply the solution to several blocks at once in almost one movement.


  • Edged board 100-150 mm wide;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • comb spatula, wider than the block.

The process of making a device for applying the solution

To make the device, you need to cut 2 blanks from the board. They should have one oblique end. To get it, the parts need to be sawed off with a distance from the edge on one side of 40 cm, and on the other 42 cm. You should get a slope of 2 cm, but the second end remains straight.

A third board with straight ends at 90 degrees is also sawn off. In length it should be the width of your cloud, plus the thickness of two previously prepared slanting boards.

From three boards you need to twist the U-shaped body of the device. This is done on the block. The slanting boards are located on the sides, and the third is screwed to them from the rectangular end.It must be moved upward by 2 cm, creating a step. The sides are positioned so that the acute angle is at the bottom.

A notched trowel will serve as the fourth side of the device. It is screwed onto the bevel of the sidewalls with self-tapping screws. Like the board opposite, it should be raised by 2 cm.

The resulting device is installed on a laid row of blocks, and masonry mortar or glue is poured into its frame. It is spread with a trowel towards the spatula. Then the device is pulled along the row. As a result, a uniform layer of solution remains.

The blocks for laying on this pillow must be placed next to each other in advance, pointing up, close to each other. Thus, the solution is applied to their end. After this, the blocks are immediately laid out in a row and leveled with a mallet using a string or bubble level.

The device allows you to work much faster than manually applying glue. It lays down in exactly the same layer. In addition, the sides of the blocks remain clean, so the masonry looks much neater.

Watch the video

How to make a simple mold for casting cement blocks from boards and PVC pipe - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/8126-kak-sdelat-prostuju-formu-dlja-otlivki-cementnyh-blokov-iz-dosok-i-truby-pvh.html

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