It can’t even compare to store-bought: How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

Fans of smoked meats can smoke fish in their own kitchen. The method is very fast, not smoky and extremely simple. The result is perfect smoked mackerel that tastes better and is cheaper than in the store.


  • frozen mackerel – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • black tea – 3 tbsp;
  • salt – 65 gr.;
  • peppercorns – 0.5 tsp;
  • onion peel - 1 handful.

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

Cooking process

All ingredients are poured into a ladle and filled with water. The onion skins must be rinsed before doing this. The water is brought to a boil and cooled. The result is a brown brine.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

While the brine is cooling, you need to clean the thawed mackerel and remove its heads.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

The neck of a plastic bottle is cut off. The fish is placed into it through the cut, tails up, and filled with brine along with the husks. The bottle of fish is wrapped in cling film, but not hermetically sealed, and placed in the refrigerator for 2 days.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

Salted and colored fish must be smoked. An old cauldron or pan is used for this. A handful of wood chips is poured into its bottom and a tray made of foil is installed to collect grease.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

A grate or metal mesh is placed on top of it, and the mackerel, dried from brine, is laid out on it.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

Next, you need to put the covered cauldron on the fire so that the heating wood chips release smoke and smoke the fish. If this will be done indoors, then the lid must be tightly closed.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

To do this, you need to lay a gasket under it made of a couple of layers of foil. It is even safer to cover the joint with regular dough.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

The cauldron is set to maximum heat for 10 minutes, then it must be set to cool on the balcony or veranda, under no circumstances opening the lid. After 2 hours, the aromatic smoked mackerel with perfect salting is ready.
It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

It can’t even compare with a store-bought one. How to smoke mackerel in an apartment on a regular stove

You'll lick your fingers, I'm sure! Bon appetit!

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