How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

Many types of plastic are useful raw materials for recycling. By melting them into a plastic mass, you can make homemade filament for a 3D printer or figurines, souvenirs, etc. crafts. Let's look at how you can make a manual compact extruder for plastic processing.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun


  • sealant gun;
  • steel tube;
  • asbestos cord;
  • nichrome thread;
  • wire with plug;
  • mechanical thermostat from an electric oven;
  • plastic detergent bottle;
  • scotch;
  • sand;
  • gypsum plaster.

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

Making an extruder

An asbestos cord is wound onto a piece of steel pipe equal in length to a tube for sealants. It is important that the end of the pipe is welded and has a small central hole.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

A nichrome thread is wound over the asbestos. It can be obtained from an aligned spiral from an electric stove.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

The spiral is then covered with a new winding of asbestos cord.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

A mechanical thermostat from the oven is attached to the sealant gun.It must be secured so that the adjustment knob is located on the back of the gun.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

A mold for casting in the form of a pipe is made from a plastic detergent bottle. To do this, its bottom and neck are cut off, after which it unfolds lengthwise.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

On one side, the workpiece is bent, and notches are cut out on the bend. The resulting sheet is wound onto any tube with a diameter of about 5 cm. Then the workpiece is secured with tape. The notches form its bottom. On the side of the resulting form you need to make a small hole equal to the diameter of the temperature sensor. You need to insert a tube made of rolled up sheet plastic into it.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

Then a steel tube with a winding of nichrome thread and asbestos cord is placed into the bottle mold. On one side it is fixed with cut notches. The side tube is pressed close to the winding. The ends of the nichrome thread are brought out into the holes along the edges of the mold.
Next, a heat-resistant solution made from sand and gypsum plaster is poured into the empty space between the plastic shell and the steel core.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

After the solution hardens, the top tube is removed from the cut bottle.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

A temperature sensor is installed in the side hole free of solution, which is secured with a clamp. The ends of the nichrome thread are connected to an electrical cable with a plug. Plastic chips are poured inside the steel pipe. This can be HDPE plastic from finely chopped caps from PET bottles, or ABS plastic, which can be obtained from the casings of old household appliances.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

Next, the pipe filled with plastic is installed in a sealant gun. The gun rod with the plate is launched into it. If the plate turns out to be large, then it must first be sharpened.Now, by plugging in the plug and adjusting the temperature, you can heat up the mass. Then, using the usual movements of the pistol lever, it should be squeezed out.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

The resulting extruder can be used in different ways. If you put a thin spout on the end of the pipe, you will be able to get filament for a 3D printer. It is also possible to squeeze the hot mass into various shapes, making figures, handles for furniture, parts for mechanisms, etc.
How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

How to make an extruder for melting plastic from a sealant gun

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Comments (3)
  1. Reader
    #1 Reader Guests March 23, 2020 05:56
    As an idea for further development, it is very suitable.
  2. shishkin09
    #2 shishkin09 Guests March 24, 2020 10:42
    We take a hundred square pipe, make/select a piston for it, push the piston with a hydraulic jack (weld it tightly on the other side and drill holes of the required diameter for the outlet), and heat the outside of the pipe with a blowtorch. - Profit!
  3. Guest Andrey
    #3 Guest Andrey Guests 20 April 2022 04:35
    Not bad. I need something similar for my small production of fishing products. I would order one like this. I'm planning to do something similar, only simpler. I want to order it from a turner so that it can be turned to the size of a pistol. And you can simply heat the plastic in it in the oven. For now, we'll see