Drill for home work

Until recently, a drill for technical work was the dream of most craftsmen, and a popular company was associated with a truly magical and expensive tool. But times change, and today such an innovation will not surprise anyone. However, few people manage to assemble it on their own, and even at a cost of 10 dollars. Today's homemade project will prove that this is possible.
The simple, functional design of the drill, presented by the author of the video, is quite capable of competing with a professional instrument. The characteristics are almost the same, and one of the advantages is the complete autonomy of the tool due to built-in batteries. Well, and of course, a low price, because a professional drill will cost much more than our homemade one.
Drill for home work

With its help you can drill almost any materials: wood, plywood, fiberboard, MDF, plastics, composites and even soft metals (for hard ones it will be rather weak). It can be used to sharpen cutting tools, trim, engrave, grind, in general, everything that is usually done with a drill. How to make it? Let's get a look.
Drill for home work

How it works?

The basis of the device is a 12 V brushless DC motor. Its body has a regular cylindrical shape, matching in diameter with the internal size of a 2-inch PVC pipe for sewer work. The engine is powered by two lithium polymer battery at 2200 mA, total voltage - 7.4 V.

Collecting materials and tools

The materials we will need are:
  • 12V DC motor;
  • Collet chuck for drills, working diameter – 3 mm;
  • A 32 mm section of PVC sewer pipe;
  • Two lithium polymer batteries;
  • Switch button;
  • A little plexiglass for pipe plugs;
  • Several copper wires with solder, sandpaper.

Tools: soldering iron, hacksaw, screwdriver, milling cutter for drilling outer circles, screwdriver, paint knife, electrical tape and superglue. For marking we will need a tape measure and a pencil.

Making a drill - step-by-step master class

Engine and collet chuck

The DC motor for our drill is really very cheap. On Aliexpress it can be found for only 300 rubles. Meanwhile, it consumes 1.4 A, which means its power will be equal to 16.8 W. This is quite enough for such equipment, considering that the engine can accelerate to 23,000 rpm.
The motor shaft has a diameter of 3 mm, and it is necessary to select a collet chuck for it. It is secured to the shaft using a hexagon screw. The collet is clamped using an open-end wrench and a stopper of the chuck itself.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

PVC pipe

Using a regular metal blade or a hacksaw, cut a 15 cm long piece from the PVC pipe. Clean the edges with sandpaper to remove burrs. The motor housing must fit tightly into the pipe.If gaps remain, they must be eliminated using spacers, for example, from a rubber bicycle inner tube.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

End caps

We make end caps from a piece of plexiglass, plexiglass or fiberglass. The author used a cutter attachment to drill out the outer circles. They can also be cut out with a simple hacksaw, adjusted to size and sanded down the edges.
In the center of both plugs there should be holes for a collet chuck and a connector for charging batteries. The circle of the plugs should overlap the PVC pipe.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Engine installation

We expand the hole for the cartridge to the required diameter with a round file or needle file. We attach the engine to one of the plugs, making holes to secure it with screws. They can be made with a small drill and a screwdriver. We attach the plugs with superglue for plastic.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work


You can get sufficient voltage using two lithium-polymer batteries. Batteries from an old laptop will do.
We connect them in series and wrap them with electrical tape. We bring contacts from insulated copper wire to the engine through a switch button.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Putting the elements together

First, we connect the engine, solder the wiring and insulate the contact group with heat shrink. We fix the motor with the collet chuck on the cover, and mount the switch button on the side of the body using glue, making a hole for it and leveling it with a file. The connected batteries must fit perfectly into the size of the PVC tube.
The assembly is completed by a 5.5 mm jack for charging batteries. We attach it to the back cover using a clamping nut. We solder the contacts from the batteries to the connector, insulating them with heat-shrinkable casings.The joints of the plugs and the tube can be additionally covered with superglue and cleaned with sandpaper.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Bringing beauty

To emphasize individuality, the author chose to decorate his instrument with an exclusive inscription. Making a makeshift stencil out of film and cut-out letters, he used spray paint to give his creation a unique finish.
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

The drill is ready, now you can carry out experimental tests and try to drill or cut something. Rest assured, in capable hands such a tool will never sit idle!
Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

Drill for home work

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Igor
    #1 Guest Igor Guests 9 August 2018 20:59
    I have one question. Everything was done beautifully, no doubt. I am not an electrician by profession, but a mechanical engineer, and I am tormented by one question. Any power tool has holes for ventilation and the release of hot air from the electric motor. Otherwise, it will simply burn out after a few minutes of operation. I don’t see any ventilation holes here, which means this is a tool doomed to failure. The engine will die very quickly from overheating. Even when drilling cardboard, it will die; I’m generally silent about harder materials.
    Was it really that difficult to make the vents?
    And to be honest, I still don’t understand how the author charges these batteries. The article doesn't say a word about this. You can make them chargeable and, at the same time, provide for the possibility of power from an adapter. If you work in an apartment, then why do you need power autonomy? This is needed for the street, but hardly anyone works with such a tool on the street; there are more serious devices. The idea is good, but the execution is poor.