How to catch a mouse for a housewife using a regular jar

Imagine that you have a mouse in your kitchen. How to catch it without buying a mousetrap or a special pestilence? We suggest you familiarize yourself with a very useful life hack on how to make an incredibly simple mouse trap from a can and a coin. A popular way to get rid of small rodents.

Making a mousetrap from a can and a coin

Take the bread and roll it into a ball. We use water to soften. As soon as the substance begins to resemble plasticine, add a little sunflower oil for stickiness.

How to catch a mouse for a housewife using a regular jar

Then we take the jar and stick this piece of bread crumb inside to one of the sides. Then we put the jar with the bait on the table and support one side of the jar with a coin, placing it on its edge. You need to support the side opposite to where the bait is attached. Use a flat surface to make this easier. It may take a little more time and skill.

How to catch a mouse for a housewife using a regular jar

The trap is ready. To ensure that nothing distracts the rodent on the way to the mousetrap, we remove all open food items from view.

As soon as the mouse looks into the jar for a treat and begins to bite it. The jar will shake, the coin will fall on its side and the trap will close with the mouse inside.

How to catch a mouse for a housewife using a regular jar

This simple design, accessible to everyone, can save you from annoying rodents. Set a trap every night to catch all the mice one by one.

Watch the video

See the video for more details and clarity.

Also read a very interesting article on the topic: 11 mice per night. The best DIY mousetrap
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  1. well
    #1 well Guests 16 November 2019 15:20
  2. well
    #2 well Guests 16 November 2019 15:21