Connecting the washing machine motor, reverse and speed controller

In washing machines, the automatics most often fail, followed by bearings and rubber products. The engine is the most reliable component; it is used in the manufacture of various home machines. But for this you need to be able to change the direction of rotation and regulate the speed.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

What is needed

  • Toggle switch with two groups of contacts 220 V 15 A, you can purchase it at Ali Express.
  • Speed ​​controller 400 W 220 V 50 Hz, also take on Ali Express.
  • An electric motor from an automatic washing machine will suit almost any brand.
  • Pieces of wires of different colors, preferably blue (zero) and brown (phase).
  • You will need electrical tape; to install a powerful radiator, buy a new one and a tube of heat-conducting paste.
  • To check the connection diagram, it is recommended to use an ordinary tester or at least an indicator.

Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Motor connection

Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Carefully inspect the terminal blocks of the removed motor. It has six terminals: two contacts go to the speed sensor (tachometer) and two contacts each from the rotor and stator windings.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

We don’t need a tachometer, we don’t touch it, we only need to connect the engine.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

All single-phase motors of this type are connected in the same way. The output of the stator winding must be connected to the input of the rotor winding. The remaining two ends are connected to zero and phase. It makes no difference which winding will be the first and which will be the second.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Identify the winding outputs on the connector. You need to use a tester, keep one contact constantly on the terminal, and apply the second one in turn to the others. If the device shows a short circuit, then two terminals are connected to one winding.
In our case, the bottom and second from the top contacts are connected to one winding, and the second terminal is connected to the bottom and the third from the top. Accordingly, we need to connect the second and third upper contacts with a jumper. Make a jumper and make the connection. To guarantee, ring again, now your short should show between the two remaining terminals.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Connect a voltage of 220 V to the remaining two, if everything is normal, the engine will begin to rotate.

Reverse connection

As mentioned above, to change the direction of rotation it is necessary to swap the connections of one of the windings with each other.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

And the engine will begin to rotate in the other direction. Check the connection is correct, swap the wires on the terminal block according to the diagram described, and turn on the voltage. The direction of rotation of the motor should be reversed.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

The contact to which the phase was supplied must be connected to the input of the second winding. The voltage reaches the free terminal, the zero position does not change. Changing the connection order can be done by clicking a toggle switch.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Turn the toggle switch upside down, on the bottom there are designations for each output and a diagram of their connection in the left and right positions of the switch.
To make it easier to understand, draw a basic connection diagram: two windings and two switch contacts. The middle contacts are connected/detached in turn to the two side ones. The connection is elementary.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Connect one winding to the bottommost contact and connect it with a jumper to the topmost one. Connect the second winding to the middle terminal, let the stator winding be connected in this way in our example.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Now it's time to connect the rotor. One contact of the toggle switch should be connected to the output of the rotor winding, and the second directly to the neutral power wire.
If everything is clear, then proceed to the connection. Make diagonal jumpers between the outer terminals. One middle terminal of the toggle switch is connected to zero, and the second to the second winding.
Connect all the wires and double check that the diagram is correct. Middle contacts: one to the power supply zero, the other to the stator winding. The second end of this winding is connected directly to the power phase (brown wire).
The diagonal contacts must have jumpers, the wires from them go to the second winding (rotor). Before turning on, be sure to check with a tester the changes in the short circuit when switching the toggle switch.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Carefully insulate the contacts and check the functionality of the motor. When switching, the direction of rotation must change. It is strictly forbidden to change the direction of movement until the rotor comes to a complete stop.

Speed ​​controller, my modification

If you bought inexpensive Chinese products, then you should definitely check the device. Remove the filling from the case and pay attention to the triac.At best, it has a very small heatsink that cannot effectively remove heat. In the worst case, there is nothing at all.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Cut an M3 thread on the new radiator and adjust its length to the dimensions of the case. Spread the surface of the triac with thermal paste and secure the prepared radiator. Assemble the regulator.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Connect the regulator

Inspect the device. On the back of the case there is a strip with connectors and a plug with terminals. Every contact is signed.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

Find zero, phase and ground at the input (if you have grounding in your house). Power is connected to them, in our case zero and phase (there is no ground).
Now you need to find the zero and phase output from the regulator. The cover should contain a detailed diagram indicating the purpose of each output wire and its color.
On the purchased regulator, yellow is for ground, two blue ones are for the tachometer sensor, and red is for phase. White and green are interchangeable, but to do this you need to change the position of the jumper. In our case, green is involved. The connection is determined by calling the terminals with the tester.
Connect the blue wires to the tachometer on the motor terminal block. In the example, a zero (green) is connected to the middle terminal of the toggle switch, and a phase (brown) is connected to the free contact of the winding. The yellow wires on the terminal block are connected to the tachometer. Apply voltage to the speed controller and check the engine operation in all modes and speeds.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control

On the body of the device there is a special hole for adjusting the rotation modes with a variable resistor. With its help, the speed change step is changed, the rotation of the rotor will not start with a jerk, but almost from zero. Set the desired modes.
Connecting the washing machine motor, introducing reverse and speed control


Any electrical installation work should be done in strict accordance with the PUE.If you cannot decipher these three letters without the help of the Internet, then you should not risk your health.

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Comments (6)
  1. Guest Gennady
    #1 Guest Gennady Guests 20 August 2019 15:06
    I have been using a washing machine with a similar design for three years now. There it is necessary to install constant airflow to the engine, because... at low speeds, in washing mode, the engine will overheat. I attached a fan with a nozzle to the side, inside the case, opposite the engine, which blows on the engine of the machine.
  2. Nikolay
    #2 Nikolay Guests 21 August 2019 18:30
    Please tell me if I ask you to make it to order for me, how much it will cost. Best regards, Nikolay 😊
  3. Guest Evgeniy
    #3 Guest Evgeniy Guests 12 September 2019 23:39
    How the ignoramuses got it on the Internet. He writes about some kind of PEU. The engine is commutator. Where does the rotor and rotor winding come from? So I would at least ask how the armature and stator windings are designated. The washing machine motor has a power of 1200W. So a regulator is needed for the appropriate power.The motor housing is metal, must be connected to a protective ground. The specialist will repeat the same thing from the plow, and here is the defeat of the email. electric shock either to yourself or to members of your household. In general, the engines are gorgeous.
  4. Dmitriy
    #4 Dmitriy Guests September 27, 2019 12:19
    It looks like EUGENE himself is not far from the ignorant - what kind of washing machine has a 1200 W motor?
    1. Sergey K
      #5 Sergey K Visitors 28 September 2019 14:35
      It looks like he added one extra zero ;)
      One and a half hundred watts - this is a typical brushed motor for a washing machine. The regulator is 400, but it can be easily converted to higher power by simply changing the semi-sector - the Chinese install the lowest-power one, of course it’s not clear why, if you buy it separately, this one is almost twice as expensive as the usual one...
  5. Dmitriy
    #6 Dmitriy Guests 30 September 2019 14:23
    check the second picture (where about reverse) - there one winding is short-circuited