Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

With this simple device you can sharpen your meat grinder knives quickly and correctly. Fast, because a drill, machine or screwdriver is used to rotate the knife, but correctly, because the device provides optimal pressing force on the entire plane without distortion.

Needed to assemble the device

  • A pair of long bolts with four nuts for them.
  • A pair of thin bolts with two nuts for them.
  • Two springs.
  • A piece of thin steel plate.

Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Making a device for sharpening meat grinder knives

The first thing we will do is make a device for sharpening a cross-shaped knife. We measure the internal size of the square hole with a caliper.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

We grind the head of the bolt on a tapping machine to a square with the dimensions of a square hole in the knife.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

We assemble the device in the following sequence:
We put a washer on the bolt with a square head, then a spring. Next is another washer and two nuts. We tighten the spring with nuts so that pressure is created and the spring does not just dangle.Now we tighten the nuts together with two wrenches so that nothing comes loose in the future.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

The device is ready.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

But before we start sharpening the edges that are adjacent to the mesh knife, let’s sharpen the perpendicular planes. Let's do this on the same tape machine.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Let's put everything aside for now and start making a device for the mesh knife.
You will need a rectangular piece of metal. You can take steel or aluminum.
We apply the mesh to the knife to mark the boundaries and cut off the excess, drill three holes: in the center and on the sides for guides.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Drill the middle hole for the large bolt. And va small ones for thin bolts.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

We assemble the device. We insert the central thick bolt, having first screwed one nut onto it. Then fix it with another nut.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

We insert thin bolts of the same length into the small holes and also secure them with nuts with force.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

The device is ready. The main thing is that the central bolt is lower than or equal to the length of the thin bolts relative to the level of the rectangular plate. See photo.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Now the devices are ready.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Sharpening meat grinder knives

Sharpening will be done on a vertical drilling machine, but you can easily use a hand drill or screwdriver.
We fix the device for sharpening the mesh knife in the chuck.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

We will do the sharpening in three stages: first with sandpaper with coarse grains, then with fine grains, and finally with the finest grains.
We place it on a flat pad made of a piece of steel or other material. The main thing is that the surface is perfectly flat. Then we put coarse-grain sandpaper on top, then the mesh knife itself. We lower the device so that all the bolts fall into the holes. There is no need to follow through to the very end.It is necessary for the spring to create pressing forces.
We turn on the machine and sharpen the knife within a few minutes.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Next, stop the machine and replace the sandpaper with finer sandpaper. We continue to sharpen the knife for several minutes.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Now it comes to finishing paper with the finest grain.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

The result is clear:
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

The same thing needs to be done with a cross-shaped knife: first, large paper.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Then small:
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Well, the smallest one:
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

The result is excellent.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

All knives are sharpened as best they can, both surfaces are ground to one another. To check this, we will insert a strip of paper into the hole and try to cut it with a rotating movement of the knife. If everything worked out, it means the result of the work has been achieved.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Agree that the design is not at all complicated, but very simple. And if you regularly sharpen knives, you simply need to make one for your home.
Device for sharpening meat grinder knives

Watch the video

In the video you can clearly see the assembly of the sharpening device and its testing.
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Comments (8)
  1. Guest Igor
    #1 Guest Igor Guests 3 June 2018 14:36
    You don’t have to fence this whole garden.Level table, sandpaper and level hands. Five minutes and start the meat grinder. It's not every day that you have to sharpen a meat grinder. And for the sake of these rare cases, there is no desire to make devices that lie around, take up space and get lost.
  2. I
    #2 I Guests 17 June 2018 16:21
    I sit and remember, in which cabinet (on the loggia) did I hide the vertical drilling machine? I found the milling one, I found the turning one, but everything else didn’t work...
    1. Guest Igor
      #3 Guest Igor Guests 7 August 2018 18:11
      Didn't you look on the middle shelf on the right?
  3. Guest Alexey
    #4 Guest Alexey Guests 14 August 2018 21:31
    Knives cannot be sharpened from the ends; in no case do they sharpen them from scratch because the cutting part is reduced and the plane of the knife is reduced, and the next time you sharpen there will be nothing left to sharpen. Sharpening is done only on TOP of the knife!
  4. Guest Igor
    #5 Guest Igor Guests 10 September 2018 18:36
    Complete crap. If you sharpen using a drill or a sharpening tool, be sure to bend the corner. This can only be done on a vertical drilling machine hand.
  5. Guest Sergey
    #6 Guest Sergey Guests January 28, 2019 09:01
    So many bells and whistles and special machines instead of straight hands, a grinding wheel and sandpaper...
  6. Alexandr
    #7 Alexandr Guests 9 September 2020 17:31
    You can sharpen by hand. The main thing is to glue the sandpaper to the glass. There is no need for coarse sandpaper.
  7. Artem
    #8 Artem Guests 11 November 2020 09:49
    Good idea, thanks, I was just thinking that I needed to spring the “patient” so that all four faces would have the same load.
    Everyone who wrote comments, you must understand that you need to sharpen the blade perpendicular to the cut, and this can only be achieved by rotating the knife; you will rotate it with “straight hands” for a year to sharpen it.