Easter tree

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching, I want to properly prepare for it. You can decorate the interior of your room with an Easter tree. There are many variations of this decorative item. Branches of any tree are suitable as a base; willow is often used. You can buy plastic branches at the store. The following are used as a stand: a flower pot, a plastic bucket, a vase.
Description of the Easter tree
The Easter tree is made in white and yellow colors.
Easter tree

The base is a ceramic pot filled with foam and decorative stones. Artificial grass is used as an additional element.
Easter tree

The tree branches are painted with white gouache and decorated with flowers made of crepe paper. Fabric figurines have an original shape: an egg, a bird, a hare's face. The advantage of the composition is its collapsible design. If necessary, all parts can be easily removed and removed.
The simplest, available materials are used. It is important that all elements of the decorative composition are white and yellow.
List of materials:
  • yellow or orange cotton fabric;
  • narrow yellow satin ribbon;
  • padding polyester;
  • wire for needlework;
  • yellow crepe paper;
  • small beads (birds' eyes, flower bases);
  • yellow yarn;
  • white ceramic pot;
  • Styrofoam;
  • decorative stones;
  • yellow artificial grass;
  • tree branches;
  • white gouache.

1. Preparing the stand. A base corresponding to the size of the pot is cut out of foam plastic. You can use gypsum, but the simplest option is foam plastic, which is covered with a layer of decorative stones to stabilize the composition.
2. Preparation of branches. The bark is removed from the branches, after drying they are covered with white gouache. This composition uses five branches.
3. Drawing up the basis of the composition. Foam plastic is installed in a ceramic pot, branches are inserted into it. The foam is covered with a layer of decorative stones on top, and the final stage is artificial grass.
Easter tree

Easter tree

4. Cut out fabric figures. First you need to cut out the parts from paper (photo 0). The fabric is folded with the right side inward, parts are pinned onto it, seam allowances are 0.5 cm. The parts are cut out. Bird, bunny - 2 parts, egg - 4 parts.
Easter tree

5. Stitching figures. The pieces are folded right sides inward and stitched along all sides. The exception is the underside of birds and hares. The egg parts are connected sequentially, one after another. On the last part you need to leave a gap exactly in the middle. Through these open cuts the figures will turn inside out.
Easter tree

Easter tree

6. Stuffing figures. Fabric figures are turned right side out. Then they are tightly stuffed with padding polyester; for convenience, you can use wooden sticks. Open sections are sewn up with hand stitches.
Easter tree

Easter tree

7. Design of decorative figures. Yarn loops are sewn to the upper edge of the figures, and the connection point is closed with a satin ribbon bow.
Easter tree

The birds are given eyes made of black beads. A small piece of tape is used as wings. It is folded in half and sewn to the body of the bird. The bunny's eyes and nose are sewn on, and a satin bow is attached between the ears. You can highlight the ears with decorative stitches placed at the base of the ears.
Easter tree

8. Preparation for making flowers. Petals are cut out of crepe paper. There are 6 petals per flower. The number of colors can be any. The tips of the petals can be rounded with a pencil. The wire is cut into pieces 20 and 5 cm long. Long pieces go to the stem, short pieces are used to secure the petals to the stem.
Easter tree

9. Formation of flowers. A bead is strung on the wire so that it ends up in the middle of the wire bent in half. Petals are arranged sequentially around the bead, which are then secured with a short wire. It turns out to be an elegant flower.
Easter tree

10. Decoration of branches. The flowers are attached to the branches in random order. The junction can be decorated with a satin ribbon; it must be tied at the base of the fixed flower.
Easter tree

Then the branches are decorated with fabric figures.
Easter tree

An Easter tree in white and yellow tones will suitably decorate any interior!
Easter tree
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Comments (1)
  1. Natalia Ogarkova
    #1 Natalia Ogarkova Guests 21 August 2017 21:24
    It would seem such a simple technology, but the end result is very festive and beautiful. I advise you to do it with your children - have fun and decorate the Easter table.