New Year's composition

On the eve of the New Year, you want to completely immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere. The sparkle of tinsel, the shine of Christmas tree decorations, and multi-colored garlands add a touch of magic and give hope for a miracle to happen. It is on the New Year that your most cherished dreams come true. Decorating the interior is not so difficult; many decorative elements can be easily made with your own hands.
Store shelves are bursting with numerous holiday attributes. Mass production generously rewards customers with identical plastic products of dubious quality. Moreover, all this “beauty” costs crazy money. It’s much easier to make a New Year’s composition with your own hands; any available means will do for this. A little imagination, sleight of hand and excellent results are guaranteed.

Description of the New Year's composition

The rightful owner of the coming year is the Fire Rooster. He loves bright colors, mostly red. The New Year's composition is an elegant combination of white and red.
New Year's composition

The branches, as if dusted with snow, are decorated with red sparkles, and Christmas tree cones gracefully complement the composition.Moreover, the cones can be used as an independent element when decorating a Christmas tree or the interior of a house. The vase, richly decorated with mother-of-pearl beads, deserves special attention.


A small amount of materials will be required, the simplest and very cheap.
New Year's composition

New Year's composition

New Year's composition

List of materials:
  • Beautifully shaped glass container. In this case, a shaped wine bottle.
  • White mother of pearl beads. It is better to use a ready-made thread with beads strung; usually they are wound on a spool and sold in departments with New Year's symbols.
  • Glitter. You can buy them at an office supply store.
  • White gouache. You can use acrylic paint.
  • Fir cones. It is important that they are dry.
  • Branches. Any branches will do, as long as they are not too clumsy.
  • Paper clips. Used for attaching cones.
  • Red satin ribbon. Used as a pendant for pine cones.
  • Decorative elements of Christmas tree cones: beads, tulle, seed beads.
  • Glue gun. You can't do without using hot glue.

1. It is necessary to remove the bark from the branches that have just been cut; if they dry out a little, this will be much more difficult to do. Then the branches are left for a day or more until they become completely dry.
New Year's composition

New Year's composition

2. The glass container must be degreased; this can be done using acetone or any alcohol-containing product.
New Year's composition

3. Beads are glued starting from the neck, gradually descending to the bottom of the container. Be sure to use a glue gun.
New Year's composition

New Year's composition

4.Dry branches are painted with white paint, preferably in several layers.
New Year's composition

New Year's composition

5.After the branches are completely dry, they are decorated with red or silver sparkles.
New Year's composition

6. At the base of the cones, fastenings are installed, by which they are then suspended from the branches.To do this, a hole is made using an awl or a thin drill; the work must be carried out very carefully, otherwise the cone will fall apart. Then you need to fill the hole with Moment glue and insert a previously prepared paper clip there. It is unbent, a loop is formed, the excess is cut off so that the fastening is not too long.
New Year's composition

New Year's composition

New Year's composition

New Year's composition

7. Fir cones are completely painted over with white paint. They must be left alone until completely dry.
8.Decor cones can be different, the elements are attached using a glue gun. The base can be decorated with a tulle frill, then glue on beads, ready-made bows or make them from satin ribbons. A red satin ribbon is tied to the mount. An interesting option is to use small spruce branches, if you can find them. Finally, the cones are treated with red sparkles or covered with beads.
New Year's composition

New Year's composition

New Year's composition

New Year's composition

9.The finished branches are inserted into a vase, then decorated with cones in any order.
The New Year's composition will adequately decorate the festive interior; it can be placed on a table or a fireplace shelf.
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