How to make a house for a cat?

Most people treat pets like children. In many families, a cat or dog is a family member who has many rights, including the right to have his own home. Now we will look at how to make a house for a cat, and this house will also be a unique decoration for an apartment or house.
First you need to assemble a house from chipboard. To do this, decide on the size of the future house, taking into account where it will be located in the apartment, and then start marking out the chipboard parts. In our case, these dimensions are 40x35 cm. The height of the house is 45 cm. On one side there will be an entrance to the house. It can be made with a semicircular top. If you wish, you can make a small window on one side.
How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

You can assemble the box at home using self-tapping screws and confirmations. Before screwing them in, you need to drill a hole with a drill to avoid chipping the chipboard.
How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

Small protrusions or unevenness in the fastening are not a problem, since subsequently the house will be covered with fabric that will hide all the unevenness. Please note that the roof of the house, as in reality, has small protrusions. It's much more beautiful this way. In addition, it is necessary to make a foundation on which the house will stand.It also needs to be fastened with self-tapping screws or fasteners. The base must be larger than the size of the house.
How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

By attaching the house to the base, you can create additional levels for viewing the area. To make an observation deck you need a pipe. You can use plastic pipes or cardboard pipes onto which rolled materials (film, polyethylene) are wound. Thin chipboard can also be used as a base for viewing platforms.
How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

Next comes the creative work. Any dense materials can be used as fabric for covering the house. Since the cat will scratch it, this material should be not only dense, but also soft. Carpet or other carpeting is perfect for this. This material is used to cover the inside of the house, as well as the base (floor) around the house and inside.
How to make a cat house

The pipes on which the observation deck is supported can be covered with thick fabric, similar to rope or burlap. The most budget-friendly option for covering the outside of a house would also be carpet. However, fur will look much more beautiful. It's expensive, but most animal lovers go to such expense for the sake of their beloved pets. If you are making a house with your own hands from existing materials, you can use an old fur coat or sheepskin coat. In addition, you can secure a rope or piece of fur fabric at the top of the second tier. Using this rope, the cat will be able to climb up or simply hang. Cats love it.
How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

How to make a cat house

Another nuance that is important to consider is that cats love narrow passages into their den, which makes it more secure. Therefore, you should not make the entrance too large. Or, as in our case, you can make a kind of door.
The fabric is attached with glue.It is best to use odorless glue. When making this house, glue with a smell was used, but after finishing the work, the house was left in the workshop for several days so that the smell would dissipate.
Nowadays, such houses are very popular. If you buy all the material in full, then you will need to spend about 4,000 rubles on such a house. However, the advantage of this option is that you can make it unique with the required dimensions. In addition, it is economical, since the cost of a ready-made house starts from 10,000 rubles.
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Comments (3)
  1. Guest
    #1 Guest Guests 25 December 2016 17:54
    Judging by the photo, the cat is shocked by such a house stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes
  2. miv
    #2 miv Guests August 7, 2017 11:08
    We also made a house for our cat ourselves. We used carpeting, sisal rope (it is stronger), and the material for the house was an old bedside table.
  3. Yulia Derkach
    #3 Yulia Derkach Guests 28 August 2017 19:24
    I have long wanted a house like this for my cat. It turns out that it is very easy to make, and the prices in stores are great.